How can i check if an object is still in replication

  • Hi,

    I have disabled replication on a SQL installation, but I have a feeling there are still come reminants from replication left on the database.

    Is there a command which can be executed on the database to check if an object is marked for replication, I currently dont have the distribution database.


  • I have disabled replication on a SQL installation, but I have a feeling there are still come reminants from replication left on the database.

    Did you disable replication or removed replication completely.

    Is there a command which can be executed on the database to check if an object is marked for replication, I currently dont have the distribution database.

    Which version of sql server you are using and what is the servicepack and type of replication you are using.

    If you are using snapshot or transactional replication you can get the list of articles which are in replication. This has to be executed at the publisher in publisher db. works with 2000 with sp3 or above.

    use publisherdb

    sp_helparticle @publication='publicationname'

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • I run into this every now and then when I restore a database (that was a subscriber or publisher at the time of backup) to a new instance. I find that the best way to remove replication information from a database is:

    USE [DatabaseName]

    EXEC sp_removedbreplication


  • Chandu (7/28/2009)

    I have disabled replication on a SQL installation, but I have a feeling there are still come reminants from replication left on the database.

    Did you disable replication or removed replication completely.

    Is there a command which can be executed on the database to check if an object is marked for replication, I currently dont have the distribution database.

    Which version of sql server you are using and what is the servicepack and type of replication you are using.

    If you are using snapshot or transactional replication you can get the list of articles which are in replication. This has to be executed at the publisher in publisher db. works with 2000 with sp3 or above.

    use publisherdb

    sp_helparticle @publication='publicationname'

    SQL version is SQL 2000 and SP4.

    Replication removed, but I still have a feeling that there are some elements elft of it.

  • here possibly could be stored procedures or system elements left, but if you have removed replication, that doesn't matter. It won't impact your server instance.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (7/28/2009)

    here possibly could be stored procedures or system elements left, but if you have removed replication, that doesn't matter. It won't impact your server instance.


    Do you have a script the tells if an object is marked for replication ?

  • From BOL

    --Which objects in the database are published?

    select name as published_object, schema_id, is_published as is_tran_published, is_merge_published, is_schema_published

    from sys.tables where is_published = 1 or is_merge_published = 1 or is_schema_published = 1


    select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published

    from sys.procedures where is_schema_published = 1


    select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published

    from sys.views where is_schema_published = 1

    sys.objects also talks about if something is published.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (7/28/2009)

    From BOL

    --Which objects in the database are published?

    select name as published_object, schema_id, is_published as is_tran_published, is_merge_published, is_schema_published

    from sys.tables where is_published = 1 or is_merge_published = 1 or is_schema_published = 1


    select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published

    from sys.procedures where is_schema_published = 1


    select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published

    from sys.views where is_schema_published = 1

    sys.objects also talks about if something is published.

    Thanks for the reply, but the database is a SQL 2000 and it does not have the sys schema

  • Try:

    select * from sysobjects

    where replinfo0


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