How can i create a computed field that dependent upon a previous entry?

  • Please help -

    How do you create a computed field that is dependent upon a previous entry?  My table – for monthly meter reading entries



    SystemAddDate       ReadDate      MeterID          ReadEntry      PrevEntry       Usage


    How do I reference the last entry so I can create a usage amount between the last two entries?


    Thanks for your help – you guys have taught me SO MUCH!


  • No need to have a calculated field.  This value will never change so there's no point in recalculating it over and over and over and over and over and over and... (see the point )?

    Add an insert trigger that will fetch the last row's value and update to the current row's usage value.

  • Thanks for your response, but I'm still missing the point.  The following is what I will need.  The Usage field will change for every reading.  What I'm trying to achieve is picking up the last reading (as a previous reading) to create the difference calculation.  I tried a trigger but don't know how to "fetch the last row's value".  Maybe if I just received help on that?


    Thanks again-

    SystemAddDate ReadDate MeterID ReadEntry PrevEntry Usage
    GETDATE() 10/1/2006 1234 65002 59000 6002
    GETDATE() 9/1/2006 1234 59000 57556 1444
    GETDATE() 8/1/2006 1234 57556 56554 1002
    GETDATE() 7/1/2006 1234 56554 48596 7958
  • Lol that problem was more complexe than I expected. Anyone can figure out a better solution? I can't imagine that none exists (especially in 2k5). Solution other than to that stuff while reporting / presenting the data?



    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE Name 'MetersReads' AND XType 'U' AND USER_NAME(uid'dbo')

           DROP TABLE dbo.MetersReads


    CREATE TABLE dbo.MetersReads


             SystemAddDate   DATETIME        NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_MetersReads_SystemAddDate   DEFAULT (GETDATE())

           , ReadDate       SMALLDATETIME   NOT NULL CONSTRAINT CK_MetersReads_NoTime          CHECK   ([ReadDate] DATEADD(D0DATEDIFF(D0[ReadDate]))) --may not be needed but it seems that way with your sample data

           MeterID        INT             NOT NULL

           , ReadEntry      INT             NOT NULL

           , Usage          INT             NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_MetersReads_FirstRead               DEFAULT (0)

           , CONSTRAINT PK_MetersReads PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (ReadDateMeterID)



    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MetersReads_MeterID ON dbo.MetersReads (MeterID)


    CREATE TRIGGER dbo.TR_MetersReads_A_I ON dbo.MetersReads



           SET NOCOUNT ON

    --You can switch to the select statement to see the results of the derived table

                   UPDATE          MAIN

                   SET             Main.Usage dtUsage.Usage




                                   , dtUsage.MeterID

                                   , dtUsage.PreviousReadDate

                                   , dtUsage.CurrentReadDate

                                   , dtUsage.CurrentRead

                                   , dtUsage.Usage

                                   , Main.ReadDate AS UpdatedRow


                   FROM            dbo.MetersReads Main

                                   INNER JOIN






                                                   dtPrvDates.ReadDate AS CurrentReadDate


                                                   dtPrvDates.CurrentRead MRUsage.ReadEntry AS Usage


                                   FROM            dbo.MetersReads MRUsage 

                                                   INNER JOIN





                                                                           MAX(MR.ReadDate)       AS PreviousReadDate

                                                                           dtResynch.ReadEntry    AS CurrentRead


                                                           FROM            (





                                                                           FROM            INSERTED I 

                                                                                           INNER JOIN dbo.MetersReads MRResynch

                                                                                                   ON I.MeterID MRResynch.MeterID

                                                                                                   AND I.ReadDate <= MRResynch.ReadDate

                                                                           )       dtResynch

                                                                           INNER JOIN dbo.MetersReads MR

                                                                                   ON dtResynch.MeterID MR.MeterID

                                                                                   AND dtResynch.ReadDate MR.ReadDate

                                                           GROUP BY   MR.MeterID





                                                                   ON MRUsage.MeterID dtPrvDates.MeterID

                                                                   AND MRUsage.ReadDate dtPrvDates.PreviousReadDate


                                           ON Main.MeterID dtUsage.MeterID

                                           AND Main.ReadDate dtUsage.CurrentReadDate


    --FAIL BECAUSE of the time part of the date

    --INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDate, MeterID, ReadEntry) VALUES ('2006-12-28 21:24:51.057', 1234, 48596)


    --FIRST READ, TRIGGER DOES NOTHING.  This assumes that you will conduct a primary reading when installing the service.  Thus giving a starting point to read the usage, hence that usage being 0 (zero) for that row.

    INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDateMeterIDReadEntryVALUES ('2006-07-01'123456554)

    --SECOND + READS, TRIGGER starts updating the usage column

    INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDateMeterIDReadEntryVALUES ('2006-08-01'123457556)

    SELECT SystemAddDateReadDateMeterIDReadEntryUsage FROM dbo.MetersReads ORDER BY MeterIDReadDate

    --Screw with the data and insert the reads in the wrong order

    --usage = 7446 which is correct with the current data

    INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDateMeterIDReadEntryVALUES ('2006-10-01'123465002)

    SELECT SystemAddDateReadDateMeterIDReadEntryUsage FROM dbo.MetersReads ORDER BY MeterIDReadDate

    --corrects both usages for the last 2 months with their valid values

    INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDateMeterIDReadEntryVALUES ('2006-09-01'123459000)

    SELECT SystemAddDateReadDateMeterIDReadEntryUsage FROM dbo.MetersReads ORDER BY MeterIDReadDate


    INSERT INTO dbo.MetersReads (ReadDateMeterIDReadEntry

    SELECT '2006-11-01' AS ReadDate1234 AS MeterID67000 AS ReadEntry


    SELECT '2006-12-01' AS ReadDate1234 AS MeterID71000 AS ReadEntry


    SELECT '2006-10-01' AS ReadDate4321 AS MeterID60000 AS ReadEntry


    SELECT '2006-11-01' AS ReadDate4321 AS MeterID62000 AS ReadEntry

    SELECT SystemAddDateReadDateMeterIDReadEntryUsage FROM dbo.MetersReads ORDER BY MeterIDReadDate


    --Clean UP

    IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM dbo.SysObjects WHERE Name 'MetersReads' AND XType 'U' AND USER_NAME(uid'dbo')

           DROP TABLE dbo.MetersReads


  • Thanks SO MUCH!  This is up and running, and I now have a great deal of study to do to fully understand the implementation.

    This is such a great resource and is really appreciated!



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