How can i just select the top 1 record from a child table

  • Hi,

    I have two relating tables joined on id. The child table can have none, one or more records relating to the parent table, and contains a recency date column.

    How can i join the tables and only select the most recent record from the child table?

    I don't really want to write a function to do this. I was hoping to be able to do it all in one SELECT statement.


  • You may need to give us more information, but based upon what your post states, this should work...


    CREATE TABLE #Parent( IdentityField integer,

                          OtherField varchar(15))

    INSERT INTO #Parent

    VALUES( 1, 'First Value')

    INSERT INTO #Parent

    VALUES( 2, 'Second Value')

    CREATE TABLE #Child( IdentityField integer,

                         ForeignKey integer,

                         RecencyDate smalldatetime)

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 1, 1, '01/01/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 2, 1, '07/13/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 3, 1, '12/31/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 4, 2, '01/01/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 5, 2, '07/13/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 6, 2, '12/31/2005')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 7, 2, '01/01/2006')

    SELECT P.IdentityField AS Parent_IdentityField,

           C.ForeignKey AS Child_ForeignKey,

           P.OtherField AS Parent_OtherField,

           C.MaxRecencyDate AS Child_MaxRecencyDate

    FROM #Parent P

       INNER JOIN( SELECT ForeignKey, MAX( RecencyDate) AS MaxRecencyDate FROM #Child GROUP BY ForeignKey) C

           ON( P.IdentityField = C.ForeignKey)

    DROP TABLE #Parent

    DROP TABLE #Child


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thank Farrell!

    That's on the right tracks, but not quite what i need - I should of explained more.

    I have a table of company names and a child table of previous names. A company can have no previous name or many previous names. I need to make a selection of company name and most recent previous name. If the company has no previous name, then I just want a NULL value in previous name. I've modified your example and included the result set I want to see. I just don't know how to achieve it.

    CREATE TABLE #Parent( IdentityField integer,

                          OtherField varchar(15))

    INSERT INTO #Parent

    VALUES( 1, 'First Value')

    INSERT INTO #Parent

    VALUES( 2, 'Second Value')

    INSERT INTO #Parent

    VALUES( 3, 'Third Value')

    CREATE TABLE #Child( IdentityField integer,

                         ForeignKey integer,

                         RecencyDate smalldatetime,

                         Previous varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 1, 1, '01/01/2005', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 2, 1, '07/13/2005', 'B')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 3, 1, '12/31/2005', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 4, 2, '01/01/2005', 'D')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 5, 2, '07/13/2005', 'E')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 6, 2, '12/31/2005', 'F')

    INSERT INTO #Child

    VALUES( 7, 2, '01/01/2006', 'G')

    What i need to see is this:

    1  1  First Value     2005-12-31 00:00:00 C

    2  2  Second Value 2006-01-01 00:00:00 G

    3  NULL Third Value NULL NULL

    Hope this makes sense.

  • select * from #Parent p join  #Child c on p.IdentityField = c.ForeignKey  and recencydate =

    (select max(recencydate) from #Child d where d.ForeignKey= p.IdentityField)


    I hope this will do...

  • That works! Thanks grasshopper!!

    Much appreciated.

  • Really I don't think so

    You stated that a parent may be present but no child yet you still wanted to show the parent

    inner is the default for join and therefore will only show parent where there is a least one child

    change the join to a LEFT OUTER JOIN

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Sorry. I did have to change the join to a left outer join.

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