How can I show results while WHILE is running

  • I am using a WHILE command and would like to have the results returned while the script is still running.

    Here's the script with fields changed:

    USE mydatabase




    @a INT

    , @b-2 INT

    SET @a = 1

    SET @b-2 = 0

    WHILE @a < 3



    CONVERT(CHAR(6), GETDATE()-@a, 0) AS 'EventDate'

    , COUNT(eventname) as 'Amount of Events'




    (eventdate >= CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE()-@a, 1) + ' 12:00:00'

    AND eventdate >= CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE()-@b, 1) + ' 12:00:00')

    AND eventname = 'concert'

    SET @a = @a + 1

    SET @b-2 = @b-2 + 1


    That just keeps running until it gathers ALL the data and then it displays everything. I want the results shown before it increments the variables. In other words, when it finishes one day, I want the results shown and then it go to the next day.

    (BTW- in another thread I was shown a more efficient way to do the date/time, I'm working on making that change already).


  • You may try to add a 'print' statement.

    USE mydatabase



    DECLARE @a INT, @b-2 INT

    declare @eventdate varchar(6), @amount int

    SET @a = 1

    SET @b-2 = 0

    WHILE @a < 3


    SELECT @eventdate = CONVERT(CHAR(6), GETDATE()-@a, 0), @amount = COUNT(eventname)


    WHERE (eventdate >= CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE()-@a, 1) + ' 12:00:00'

    AND eventdate >= CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE()-@b, 1) + ' 12:00:00')

    AND eventname = 'concert'

    print @eventdate + ' ' + convert(vrachar(6), @amount)

    SET @a = @a + 1

    SET @b-2 = @b-2 + 1


  • Thanks Allen. I had tried the PRINT command but couldn't get it working correctly.

    Should have thought about converting the int to varchar. Oh well...if we could think of everything there wouldn't be a need for this site.

    Thanks for the help.


  • To add to this question:

    I am querying data from a large amount of data. I want the number of events for each day for a month's time. My query (see above) will actually have the WHILE statement as

    WHILE @a < 32

    Which would be quicker, more efficient:

    1. Running the query against the actual data?

    2. Creating a TEMP Table ##mydata with the data (EventDate and EventName) for the whole time period and then running the query against that temp table?


  • Allen,

    OOOPPPS. After running the query again and watching closely, the results are NOT being returned (PRINTed) until the WHILE exits. So, I'm beginning to think that when a WHILE is used nothing can be returned until the WHILE has been met.


  • The print result will appear in message window. I know it is not perfect.

  • Another try at a solution!

    Declare @start DateTime,@end DateTime, @month DateTime

    Set @month='2 jan 2002'

    Set @start= Convert(Char(8),@Month,120)+'1'

    Set @end= DateAdd(ms,-3,DateAdd(m,1,@start))

    Select Convert(char(11),EventDate,106),Count(*)

    From MyTable

    Where EventDate Between @start and @end

    Group by Convert(char(11),EventDate,106)

    Order by Convert(char(11),EventDate,106)

    Try and add a replicate(' ',4096) after your COUNT(eventname) as 'Amount of Events'

    Indexes on Eventdate/Eventname

  • Allen,

    Yep, I know they will appear in the Message window. That's what I want to happen. But they all appear at once, not as they occur in the WHILE statement.

    I ran it for one day, the results showed up in 4 minutes. I ran it for 10 days and never saw a result until it finished 30 minutes later.


  • Hi SQLBill,

    not sure if this really helps but I've found the following on

    --To store the progress details
    CREATE TABLE ##Progress( Step int , ItTookSoLong int )
    CREATE PROC EverRunningProc
    DECLARE @step int , @Delay char(10)
    SELECT @step = 1
    WHILE( 1 = 1)

    IF @step = 1000 BREAK
    INSERT ##Progress VALUES( @Step , 0 )
    -- Do random delay between 1 to 45 seconds
    SELECT @Delay = CONVERT( varchar, DATEADD( ss, CEILING( RAND()* 44 ),
    '1970-01-01') , 8 )
    UPDATE ##Progress
    SET ItTookSoLong = datepart( ss, convert( datetime , @Delay ) ) ,
    @Step = Step + 1
    WHERE Step = @Step
    -- In your app, you can do:
    -- Calculate percentage based on total number of steps
    SELECT MAX( Step ) % 1000,0 AS StepPer
    FROM ##Progress




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • It's very frustrating that print messages don't appear when they are printed.

    Frank's suggestion of insert rows into a temporary table is about the only practical solution I have come across. You could write the message out to a text file and read it a text viewer - I use notetab ( as it doesn't lock the text file and prompts you when the file is changed.


  • I've started using RAISERROR a lot more than PRINT. If you use it with severity of 10 (rather than severity 16, which most people use to raise ad-hoc errors), it more or less functions like sprintf by allowing simple variable replacement:

    RAISERROR('%d rows processed', 10, 1, @@ROWCOUNT)

    Check out the NOWAIT option described by BOL as this might solve your WHILE problem.


    Edited by - mdenner on 08/03/2003 03:59:12 AM

  • I would recommend using a user-defined trace, use Profiler Event "UserConfigurable:0" to watch it:

    DECLARE @DebugStr NVARCHAR(100)
    SET @DebugStr = @eventdate + ' ' + convert(varchar(6), @amount)
    -- Log Custom message to Profiler User Defined Event 0)
    EXEC sp_trace_generateevent 82, @DebugStr



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