How Can i Sove the Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

  • Dear friends;

    Pls help this

    I run the qry in sqlserver 2005

    select max(smd.Yearpassed) [ExamSession],max(SMD.ASESSIONCODE),max(SMD.COURSEID),SM.REGISTERNO,max(SMD.GRADE),max(Cmas.CID),max(CMas.CNAME),max(SM.STUDNAME) [NAME]

    ,DM.DEGNAME + SPACE(1) +BM.Branchname [PROGRAMME NAME],max(SMD.ASESSIONCODE),dbo.GetStudentAttempt(SM.RegisterNo,SMD.CourseId,Yearpassed) as Attempt,

    MAX(gpc.sgpa),MAX(gpc.cgpa),MAX(gac.Gacid),MAX(cm.coursetype) from Studentmarkdetails smd

    inner join Studentmaster sm on sm.registerno=smd.registerno and sm.statusflag not in ('D')

    inner join TempgacidGeneration gac on gac.registerno=smd.registerno

    inner join coursemaster cm on cm.courseid=smd.courseid

    inner join collegemaster cmas on cmas.cid=substring(smd.registerno,7,3)

    inner join degreemaster dm on dm.degcode=substring(smd.registerno,3,2)

    inner join Branchmaster bm on bm.Bcode=substring(smd.registerno,3,4)

    inner join gradepointcalculation gpc on gpc.registerno=smd.registerno

    where smd.appstatus in('A','E') and smd.publishflag='Y'

    and smd.registerno='078002100023' and gac.gacid='A00201A09D59'-- and smd.Examscheduleid='19N07A'


    ,DM.DEGNAME + SPACE(1) +BM.Branchname,SMD.ASESSIONCODE,dbo.GetStudentAttempt(SM.RegisterNo,SMD.CourseId,Yearpassed),


    To run the qry to throw the following error

    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    How to solve the problem ;

    I trace out the error is The two Duplication column of Yearofpassed in Two times


    Year of Passed

    Jan -09

    Jan -09

    How can i Sove the problem;

    Thanks & Regards;


  • Can you confirm if the function dbo.GetStudentAttempt is scalar or table valued?

    If it is table valued function, there is a possibility that you get more than one row in the result due to which it will throw the mentioned exception

  • Hi;

    It's is scalar function It's return only one row

  • There may be an error in the function, can you post the code for that?

  • Hi

    Since there is no sub-query in your posted statement there seem to be a sub-query within your scalar function which gets its value from a SELECT. Probably this returns more than one row.



  • If possible can you provide the function definition (with just input and output values), so that we could confirm.

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