How can I transfer table?

  • hello,

    I need to port one table from one server to another. Does sql server have way to save a table as tab delimited/comma separated file? Is there a better way transport data?

    Thank you in advance.

  • You can script it out......and run the script in the other server........

    And always u can use import and export wizard.........

    Tanx 😀

  • BCP is a great tool for this.

  • If it's a one-off, I'd go with the import/export wizard. If this is something you'll need to repeat down the road, you might consider writing code (i.e. SP) to handle it.

    - Nate

  • RP_DBA (5/21/2009)

    If it's a one-off, I'd go with the import/export wizard. If this is something you'll need to repeat down the road, you might consider writing code (i.e. SP) to handle it.

    ...or an SSIS package.


  • Create one linked server ..then access your table and port to another

  • I would say for one time purposes, Import/Export wizard

  • Not (only) to marketing myself, but if you have PowerShell at hand, check in terms of data movement. With this, you can extract the records into insert commands. It might help you.

  • use a select script to generate an insert script for each row in the table and coupled with a create table script you have your table in portable format


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • hi

    there are lot more ways to transfer table from one instance to another instance.

    1.import and export

    2. run script on source instance, copy and excute the same script on other instance


    4. snapshot





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