How compare a list to a table

  • Hi,

    I have a list of colors like this {White,Black,Green} and I have a table with this structure [Name];[Color];[IDX]. The data inside my table is :






    I wonder if it is possible to write a "SELECT" command to compare each row to the list and if the color is not included in the list, return a word like "Other". so the returned row from above will be like this :






    Currently, I fetch through table and compare each row to the list items and if the color is not in the list update the filed and replace it with "Other" however this procedure takes long and as my table record number is increasing, I need to find another way.

    Any help will be appreciated.


  • So, using this sample data: -

    IF object_id('tempdb..#testEnvironment') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #testEnvironment;


    SELECT Name, Color, IDX

    INTO #testEnvironment

    FROM (VALUES('item1','Black',1),




    )a(Name, Color, IDX);

    I'd do something like this: -

    DECLARE @string VARCHAR(8000) = '{White,Black,Green}';

    SET @string = REPLACE(REPLACE(@string,'{',''),'}','');

    SELECT Name, ISNULL(Item,'Other') AS Color, IDX

    FROM #testEnvironment


    FROM [dbo].[DelimitedSplit8K](@string,',')

    WHERE Item = Color) b;

    Which returns: -

    Name Color IDX

    ----- ------ -----

    item1 Black 1

    item2 Green 2

    item3 Other 3

    item4 White 4

    You can find the code for the DelimitedSplit8K here -->

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  • Dear SSCrazy,

    Your solution saved me. It works perfectly and I learned about "OUTER APPLY" which I was not aware of.

    Thanks again.

  • There is no need for outer apply here

    DECLARE @string VARCHAR(8000) = '{White,Black,Green}';

    SET @string = REPLACE(REPLACE(@string,'{',''),'}','');

    SELECT Name, ISNULL(Item,'Other') AS Color, IDX

    FROM #testEnvironment a

    LEFT JOIN [dbo].[DelimitedSplit8K](@string,',') b on b.Item = a.Color ;

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Dear SSCarpal Tunnel,

    Thanks for the help. I will check which option give me better performance.

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