How Create a store procedure from another store procedure

  •  i can create a view from another view for example :

    create view viewX


    select o.Locationid,o.Itemcode,o.openingdate,o.openingQty

            from view1 as o


           left  join view2 as MR on o.Locationid=MR.Locationid

           left join  view3 as TR on o.Locationid=TR.Locationid        

           left join view4 as TI on o.Locationid=TI.Locationid …….     

          where .......

    so if i use here store procedure, how can i do this as above?

    ..Better Than Before...

  • DECLARE @stmt NCHAR(1000)

    SET @stmt = 'CREATE VIEW....'

    EXEC (@stmt)

    If you want this on a regular basis, you might want to take a look at sp_executesql in BOL. It has some advantages over the simple exec.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You may consider using table valued function instead of a stored procedure.

    If You need to join on the result returned from the sp.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • What abot the "table valued function" ?

    can u clear it little bit?

    ..Better Than Before...

  • What about the "table valued function" ?

    can u clear it little bit?

    ..Better Than Before...

  • I think rockmoose means a user-defined function that returns a table. From BOL

    CREATE FUNCTION LargeOrderShippers ( @FreightParm money )

    RETURNS @OrderShipperTab TABLE


        ShipperID     int,

        ShipperName   nvarchar(80),

        OrderID       int,

        ShippedDate   datetime,

        Freight       money




       INSERT @OrderShipperTab

            SELECT S.ShipperID, S.CompanyName,

                   O.OrderID, O.ShippedDate, O.Freight

            FROM Shippers AS S INNER JOIN Orders AS O

                  ON S.ShipperID = O.ShipVia

            WHERE O.Freight > @FreightParm



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yes, that was what I meant.


    Franks example could be written ( more lazily, if you don't want to spec the table&nbsp as:

    CREATE FUNCTION LargeOrderShippers ( @FreightParm money )











      Shippers AS S INNER JOIN Orders AS O

                   ON S.ShipperID = O.ShipVia


      O.Freight > @FreightParm


    Observe: different query plans are made by SQL Server for the 2 examples, I am not sure if performance is an issue here.



    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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