How do I aggregate this table?

  • Hi guys

    I need to aggregate a table to three different levels but I need the results in a single table. Here is the sample data

    IndicatorName DHBName PHOName Practice PracticeName Numerator Denominator
    ABC SAM a PracticeA QW 22500 22.5
    BNN SAM b PracticeB SSS 22500 22.5
    dddd JONES c PracticeC FFFF 22500 45
    ssss Alter d PracticeZ QW 22500 22.5
    rrrr Sam a PracticeA FFFF 52500 60
    ABC GINI b PracticeA ASDFF 45000 45
    BNN Hoe c PracticeD Tahunanui Medical Centre 45000 15

    Now I need to group this table first on the dhb level:

    Query used

     SELECT     IndicatorName, DHBName,sum( Num),sum( Den)

    FROM         DHBLevel

    GROUP BY IndicatorName, DHBName


    Then group on PHO Level

    SELECT     IndicatorName, DHBName, phoname,SUM(Num) AS Expr1, SUM(Den) AS Expr2

    FROM         DHBLevel

    GROUP BY IndicatorName, DHBName,phoname


    Then on Practice Level

    SELECT     IndicatorName, DHBName, phoname,practicename,SUM(Num) AS Expr1, SUM(Den) AS Expr2

    FROM         DHBLevel

    GROUP BY IndicatorName, DHBName,phoname,practicename.

    Now I need to see the aggregates in 1 single table only.

    How shall i do this??

    Here is the create table script




    TABLE [dbo].[performanceOctober](

    [IndicatorName] [nvarchar]

    (255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,

    [DHBName] [nvarchar]

    (255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,

    [PHOName] [nvarchar]

    (255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,

    [PracticeName] [nvarchar]

    (255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,

    [Numerator] [float]


    [Denominator] [float]




  • Answered here


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • This also works....


    IndicatorName, DHBName, PHOName, PracticeName,

    Numerator, Denominator,

    sum(Numerator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName) as DHBnumTotal,

    sum(Denominator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName) as DHBdenTotal,

    sum(Numerator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName, PHOName) as PHOnumTotal,

    sum(Denominator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName, PHOName) as PHOdenTotal,

    sum(Numerator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName, PHOName, PracticeName) as PRCnumTotal,

    sum(Denominator) OVER (PARTITION BY IndicatorName, DHBName, PHOName, PracticeName) as PRCdenTotal




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    Jason L. Selburg

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