How do I produce the relationship diagram in Microsoft Sql Server?

  • How do I produce the relationship diagram in Microsoft Sql Server?

    Here is a visual of what I am talking about here:



  • Hi,

    just use your database, and select:

    Database Diagrams

    Right click and create your own new diagram?

    Good luck,


  • Are you looking for the Database Diagram mentioned in the below article?

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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • You use SSMS to do this, but I think the diagram functionality was removed from a couple of versions of SSMS. It is definitely back in the latest version (18.9.2 at the time of this post).

    Be careful when using/saving diagrams using this tool. Changes made in the diagram are actually made to your database so if you're just trying something out or maybe adding relationships to show how things work, SQL is going to make those changes to your actual database if you save.

    If you have access to the latest copy of Visio, it can do ER Diagrams for SQL Server. There are also some other apps/sites that can give you some diagram functionality, though many cost money to do more than a small number of tables.

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