How do I set-up a dbmail failover cluster alert

  • How do I setup a failover cluster alert using dbmail?

  • I poll our clusters, connecting using the clustername, if the physical node changes that the cluster is running on I get an email. Run the script and punt to a table, have one table be how the physical node is now, say node X and then compare to another table of the next poll, if it changes send the alert and overwrite the record in now table.

    I got the script from here a while back:

    create table #Host (

    id tinyint identity(1,1),

    Ping_Txt varchar(255))

    Insert #Host (Ping_Txt)

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'ping localhost -n 1'

    select @@servername, upper(substring(Ping_Txt,9,charindex('[',Ping_Txt)-10)) as Host,

    Ping_Txt from #Host where id=2

    drop table #Host

  • I found another way to do this.

    1. Create a sql server agent job

    2. Put an email message to yourself or your dba group in step #1

    3. Put a schedule to start when sqlserver agent starts.

    4. Put a pager notification on this job.

    This is the way Microsoft recommended me to do it.

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