How do I state my foreign key in my Create Table?

  • Sean Lange - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:35 AM

    sgmunson - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:21 AM

    Ed, I agree with you 100%.   Mr. Celko posts in a manner that makes people feel disrespected, and frankly, I'm sick of seeing it.   It's a shame this forum did not retain the ability to filter out the posts of certain users.   Yeah, you MIGHT miss something, but in this case, nothing of value.   "Standards" in a field like RDBMS's are guidelines, and not necessarily rigid rules that must be followed or the death penalty is applied.   He really needs to get off his high horse and deal with the real world as it is, instead of how he thinks it should be.   And maybe, ... just maybe, he should think first instead of just rigidly follow his own "rules".   Note that his profile says he's an author.   Hope he makes enough to get by, because as a contractor doing actual database work, he wouldn't last long.

    LOL. You might look into Joe's resume before you say he wouldn't last long. 😉 From what everyone says he is the nicest person in real life. And he intentionally has an online persona of a derogatory arrogant bully. He has stated that is because of his way of thinking that coincides with some spiritual way of learning or some such rubbish. I think he truly means well but he has repeatedly been bashed by many people over the years to tone down his posts but to no avail. As they say, don't feed the trolls and they will eventually look for food elsewhere.

    Yeah, Sean, I've heard about his "intent", and sorry, but I'm not impressed.   If his suggested solutions are any indication of the nature of how he works, I'd have to stick with my original conclusion about how long he'd last.   However, ... that said, I do TRY to not feed the trolls.   Sometimes, though, it's kinda hard to avoid, because after you see so much of it, you just get sick of it.  And I don't know about you, but his online persona kinda screams "STAY AWAY FROM ME !!!!   FAR, FAR, AWAY !!!!".

  • sgmunson - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:49 AM

    Sean Lange - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:35 AM

    sgmunson - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:21 AM

    Ed, I agree with you 100%.   Mr. Celko posts in a manner that makes people feel disrespected, and frankly, I'm sick of seeing it.   It's a shame this forum did not retain the ability to filter out the posts of certain users.   Yeah, you MIGHT miss something, but in this case, nothing of value.   "Standards" in a field like RDBMS's are guidelines, and not necessarily rigid rules that must be followed or the death penalty is applied.   He really needs to get off his high horse and deal with the real world as it is, instead of how he thinks it should be.   And maybe, ... just maybe, he should think first instead of just rigidly follow his own "rules".   Note that his profile says he's an author.   Hope he makes enough to get by, because as a contractor doing actual database work, he wouldn't last long.

    LOL. You might look into Joe's resume before you say he wouldn't last long. 😉 From what everyone says he is the nicest person in real life. And he intentionally has an online persona of a derogatory arrogant bully. He has stated that is because of his way of thinking that coincides with some spiritual way of learning or some such rubbish. I think he truly means well but he has repeatedly been bashed by many people over the years to tone down his posts but to no avail. As they say, don't feed the trolls and they will eventually look for food elsewhere.

    Yeah, Sean, I've heard about his "intent", and sorry, but I'm not impressed.   If his suggested solutions are any indication of the nature of how he works, I'd have to stick with my original conclusion about how long he'd last.   However, ... that said, I do TRY to not feed the trolls.   Sometimes, though, it's kinda hard to avoid, because after you see so much of it, you just get sick of it.  And I don't know about you, but his online persona kinda screams "STAY AWAY FROM ME !!!!   FAR, FAR, AWAY !!!!".

    Agreed 10000%. By no means am I trying to defend him or his abhorrent online behavior. And yes....FAR FAR AWAY!!!!


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  • sgmunson - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:21 AM

    Ed, I agree with you 100%.   Mr. Celko posts in a manner that makes people feel disrespected, and frankly, I'm sick of seeing it.   It's a shame this forum did not retain the ability to filter out the posts of certain users.   Yeah, you MIGHT miss something, but in this case, nothing of value.   "Standards" in a field like RDBMS's are guidelines, and not necessarily rigid rules that must be followed or the death penalty is applied.   He really needs to get off his high horse and deal with the real world as it is, instead of how he thinks it should be.   And maybe, ... just maybe, he should think first instead of just rigidly follow his own "rules".   Note that his profile says he's an author.   Hope he makes enough to get by, because as a contractor doing actual database work, he wouldn't last long.

    I will not read his responses any more and agree, it's shameful he cannot be barred from this community.  There is NO place for his pious attitude on this forum - published author or not.

  • Frankly, the attitude wouldn't bother me so much if what he was posting made sense in the real world.  But it just doesn't.  Making identifier values character(10) simply because you never do math on them?  That's just terrible given the huge performance implications.  I'll admit, I too think identity values are vastly overused by most developers, particularly as "default" clustering keys (when such a thing should not exist), but they do have their proper place.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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