How do you come up with creative ideas?

  • Hmm, I think coming up with a creative too big of an approach.

    Humanity advances by creating better and more efficient tools (think hammer versus rock).  When I have a problem, I break it down into abstract and simple parts and then I create tools to handle its common problems.  The next time I have a new problem, I use my recently made tools to solve it.

    Instead of reinventing the wheel, just make a better tool to make a better wheel.

  • I would say that, in addition to all the ideas on coming up with creative ideas, is the importance & willingness to implement changes later.

    If you come up with a better idea after the fact, write it down. Then get the work scheduled or done (within the systems that exist at your office).

    Of course some things require creativity from the get-go (e.g. new product ideas). And not every improvement is worth implementing.  However, it always surprises me when I encounter IT professionals who never identify fixes/improvements in the systems they work with every day. Good ideas (especially changes for the better), should be embraced, not avoided!

    Madison, WI

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