How do you give a user access to Sql Server?

  • I have a user that I want to give sql server remote access to. How do I do this without giving him direct access to the box? I have read that I can pass sql stuff through port 1433 but don't know more than that...

    They will be accessing via Access 2000 or via Sql Server Desktop...

  • what exactly do you mean with 'direct access to the box' ?

  • I want the user to be able to view the tables, run queries, etc. directly from the database but on his machine...

  • Have the client go to the ODBC set up (usually in CONTROL PANEL, but might have to go to Administrative Tools to find it). It's sometimes listed as Data Sources (ODBC).

    Select System DSN tab, ADD, select the SQL Server option, keep following all the directions. Eventually you get to the login window. Select the type of authentication (make sure you have created a login/password in SQL Server for the client), click the Client Configuration button and make sure TCP/IP is selected and in the window for port, make sure it's 1433.

    There's more than that, but ODBC setup is pretty much self explanatory.

    BTW-most 'front-ends' will bring up the ODBC connection tool when you first try to connect.


  • In the ODBC setup what do I put in when I get to the "What SQL Server do you want to connect to?" Do I specify the IP address or what?

  • Nevermind... I figured it out. For more info see:

    From there it is a simple matter of registering the db in Sql Server.

    Thanks for getting me going...!

  • quote:

    Nevermind... I figured it out. For more info see:

    From there it is a simple matter of registering the db in Sql Server.

    In the above article, it shows screen shots if you have SQL Server Client Installed at the user machine. But you would need to follow the method mentioned by SQLBill if your user is using Access 2000 to connect.


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