How does Named Pipes work?

  • I want to understand more about how Named Pipes works between SQL Server and client.

    I know the followings:

    1. Named Pipes is a network library and is using dbnmpntw.dll and dbnmp3.dll.
    2. Named Pipes supports the following network transport protocols:

    1. NW Link IPX/SPX
    2. NetBEUI
    3. TCP/IP
  • Named Pipes uses ports 137, 138, 139, and 445.
  • I'm interesting in knowing:

    1. The relationship among Named Pipes, SMB and NetBIOS.
    2. When will Named Pipes use port 139 and when will it use port 445?
    3. What is the difference among the terms: Named Pipes over NetBIOS, Named Pipes over NetBEUI, and Named Pipes over TCP/IP?

    Thank you.

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  • Check SQL Server "Books on line" for "named pipes" info, there's plenty of info there.


  • Agree there is some info there, but dont know that it answers all of these. Let me see if I can find someone to answer.

  • This will explain named pipes a little better:;en-us;101150


    this aught to help explain what the ports are used for:;en-us;150543

    My impression over time of network protocols with SQL is that Named Pipes are brilliant in a LAN environment using windows authentification, if you want to use IIS or connect using TCP/IP it's probably better to go for TCP/IP which is according to some of the benchmarks I've read quite impressive too.

    Identify which enviorment you fit into and only enable the bare number of protocols, for the "I don't sleep much" network or db administrator you might even want to check it all the way down to each and every connection being made. It's obviously not only a server-side performance issue.



  • Hi Max,

    Thank you for the links.  I believe this link has better info on ports:

    I have read most, if not all, the information regarding Named Pipes in BOL.

    I believe my questions are more related to networking than SQL Server.  So, the information in BOL does not really address my questions.

    The reason I ask about #2 "When will Named Pipes use port 139 and when will it use port 445?" is that I have problem in establishing communication between client and SQL Server if I close port 139 and open port 445 only.  (Note: I'm guessing that the problem may be related to Name Resolution.)

    Thank you.

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