How Does the Richest Man Work?

  • His office is only slightly better than the one I had at Peoplesoft. Actually if I'd stuck around a few more years, I might have a corner office like this.

    How I Work: Bill Gates is a story from Forbes basically by Bill Gates. It's short and to the point, talking about how he works inside the company.

    And I mean how he works. Mostly through email, some meetings, apparently loves his tablet, you know, the details of working. I caught this on Slashdot where there were quite a few sarastic comments about Bill saving up for a digital whiteboard and how sparse his office is.

    However, like me, there were also quite a few people that see Bill Gates as a geek. Someone that doesn't care if they have a 1000 sq ft office with leather furniture and mahogany paneling. Someone that thinks their three monitors is way cooler than a $5000 desk.

    Is Bill really excited about Outlook and Sharepoint? Well I think that he's a great leader for the company. He uses the products and talks about their fine points. How the collaboration tools allow him to work more efficiently. And deal with information underload. Not having the important information.

    Actually I think that's been the problem with Profiler. There's a ton of information it gathers, but it's not the information we often need to easily solve a problem. Rather than combine the two functions, maybe they can build two tools in Nirvana or Vishnu or K-2 or whatever they're calling SQL Server 2008. One like Profiler for auditing.

    And one for solving performance problems.

    Steve Jones

  • Is there a backward coompatible interface for profiler or am I going to have to learn an entirely new set of tricks to capture SQL statements?

    Since one of the applications I work on is essentially undocumented, I need profiler to determine tables and fields in use on forms. I have profiling down to a less then 20 a twenty click process.

  • I'm afraid that I'm unable to take the content of this CNN/Forbes article seriously.  This fluff piece reads more like paid advertising to me. 

  • On the topic of Profiler, here is the number one feature I would like to see. Maybe it's already there and I just have not found it, but...

    I wish that Profiler would show SQL statements that error. From the best I can tell, if the SQL statement errors, it does not show up in Profiler. If someone knows how to capture failed statements, I would be forever in their debt.

    Second feature I would like to see, the ability to see the value of variables in Profiler.

    OK, enough fantasizing. Back to work.

  • I'm curious as to what Bill uses for a screen saver ... maybe it's:


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • There are a lot of people that don't like Bill Gates for one reason or another, but I like to think that once a geek always a geek.

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