How exactly does the data find its way through into the required filegroup?

  • Hi All,

    This question about filegroups crept into my mind and I've been trying to find an answer!

    I'm using SQL2k and this particular DB is around 135Gigs. Hell lot of data gets populated into this DB everyday which contributes to the growth of the data & log files. Obviously, we keep an eye on the drive space every day. A couple of weeks back we configured files to grow on to secondary files on a different drive.

    Now, let me come to the exact point, this DB has 7 filegroups, which are named after a specific application. The secondary data file of one of the filegroups, say FG1 (contains data of a particular application) is now growing on F: (D: being full).

    When the data comes in and knocks on the DB's door, how does it know into which filegroup it has to go and reside? Bcoz, when we create sec files, we just show a "No Entry" sign to the data and direct them saying, "no place in here, please move on to the next drive"(applicable if we have stopped the growth on the first drive). So, how does this new data, belonging to a specific application (like FG1) know that it has to find refuge in the filegroup FG1?

    In SQL 2k5, we can create a partition function, partition scheme and then create a table with specified definition and store the table on partition scheme. That's quite easy to follow, but how does it happen on SQL2k?

    Please enlighten me. Thanks in advance.

  • If you have multiple filegroups, did you move any objects to those filegroups?

    If I create a filegroup called FG2 that contains 5 10GB data files and move table x, table y and table z to this filegroup, the data will be spread among the files using proportional fill. If data is inserted into table A, it'll go into the PRIMARY filegroup, if that's where table A resides.

    Does this answer your question?

  • Thanks CR for the reply!!

    It answers only a part of my question! I think, it works through partition functions. Anyways, nps. Thanks for the reply again!

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