How Far Have You Traveled for a SQL Saturday?

  • Rod at work (8/2/2016)

    Eric M Russell (8/1/2016)

    Maybe local user SQL Server groups should organize van pools for out-of-town SQL Saturday events. Not only would it help mitigate the expense of travel, but it would event even more social and fun. They could meetup at the usual location early saturday morning, and then arrive back later that eventing.

    Eric, I like this idea. I also don't think many people will do it. I find a lot of people don't really like to socialize.

    some people do this, but usually because they know each other.

    It would be nice to see more of it, but I'd rather have more, smaller, local events.

  • 300 miles (482 KM) from Chicago to Detroit.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I travel about 600 miles to the Nashville event, and I think about the same for the time or two I've had enough vacation to go to Columbus.

    Other than those two events I usually draw the line at 5 hours.

    So in that time I can get to Chicago, St. Louis, KC, MN, Iowa City, Omaha, Sioux Falls, and Madison.

  • I have been to SQL Saturday events in:

    • Portland, ME - 70 mi.

    • Boston/Cambridge, MA - 75 mi.

    • Boston/Waltham, MA - 85 mi.

    • Boston/Welsley, MA - 90 mi.

    I think my limit would be about 100 miles.

    Are you a speaker? nay

  • I haven't been to a SQL Saturday, but went to a Tech Summit for .NET developers in Long Beach, CA in 2005. In distance it is about 115 miles (one way) but driving time can be around 3 hours. I was not a speaker.

  • SQL Saturday

    August 27, 2011

    First SQL Saturday in Oklahoma City, OK. Traveling from El Dorado, KS (near Wichita, KS) was roughly 184 miles, one way. I made it part of a trip from Texas, so it wasn’t inconvenient for me.

    I was not a speaker. First time I met Steve Jones.

    August 4, 2012

    Kansas City. This trip was roughly 171 miles, one way. I took my wife and we made a mini vacation out of the trip. It was a nice getaway

    Been to another one in Kansas City but don’t have documentation as to when it was.

    For me travelling 2-3 hours is worth the valuable information I receive from these FREE sessions. Also, my company pays for mileage & hotel.

    Cayetano Triana

  • I drove a half hour for my first SQL Saturday in Orange County, CA a couple of years ago. I have since been a speaker AND attendee to many more. I would drive a couple of hours to attend as an attendee, no further. I will go above and beyond that to speak and share as I believe in the teaching.

    As a speaker in 2015 I:

    Drove to Orange County > 30 minutes

    Drove to San Diego > 60 minutes

    Drove to Sacramento > 8 hours

    Drove to Las Vegas > 4 hours

    Flew to Oregon > half day travel time

    In 2016:

    Austin > wasn't selected but would have flown.

    Orange County > repeat

    San Diego > event not held

    Sacramento > scheduling conflict/to far to drive

    Las Vegas > event not held

    San Antonio > Flew, half day travel each way

    Oregon > will go, half day each way

    I wanted to do Pittsburgh but have a scheduling conflict.

    Different perspective from a Speaker/Attendee but good data points.


    Ted Stathakis

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