How Far Will You Go (To Work)?

  • Fortunately most of the larger employers here in Atlanta, especially IT related, are not centralized in the downtown area. They are instead spread out in office parks across the metro area in a 30 mile radius and surrounded by suburban neighborhoods.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Ealing in West London to the City - 11 miles and takes 55 minutes as it's by tube - madness as people who live 50 miles away get to work quicker than me.

  • Regardless of the length of my commute, I always try to live east of my office. That way, I'm never driving into the rising or setting sun during the commute.

  • shaun.stuart (8/19/2011)

    Regardless of the length of my commute, I always try to live east of my office. That way, I'm never driving into the rising or setting sun during the commute.

    That's not usually a significant problem in the UK....

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • South of the office isn;t too bad either if you live north of the equator!

  • shaun.stuart (8/19/2011)

    Regardless of the length of my commute, I always try to live east of my office. That way, I'm never driving into the rising or setting sun during the commute.

    my uncle shared that same advice with me a few years back and i have to admit that this was part of the criteria as my fiance and I were searching for our new home. 😀

    my longest commute was about 30m/50km and that could be anywhere from 35-90min depending on traffic. I was working for a pretty good manager so telecommuting was part of life so only had to be in the office 2-3 days a week depending on meetings etc.

    my primary vehicle is a motorcycle so most people frown upon riders who try catching up on the latest tech articles etc. on their commute! 😛 😎

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