How long should it take?

  • This is my first time using DTS to transfer data.  I have a package set to transfer roughly 500,000 rows to an access database.  Any ideas on how long it should take to run.  I know this is a huge shot in the dark to guess but I have never done anything like this and was just wondering if anyone else had.  SQL is running on a DL380 dual 2.8 with 2 Gb of RAM.  Any thoughts?






  • If you are posting to an access database do not expect very soon.

    It's not a good idea to export that many records in access anyway as you do not have the facilities to rollback and backup etc. Hence, you may do all this for nothing.

    If you really want to go this way, set up the transfer in chunks. I have no idea how long this would take you for half a mil records but would guess a couple of hours minimum.


    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Thanks for the tips.  I kind of figured it was going to take that long.  I will look in to breaking it into chunks.

  • One other way to get an estimate would be to send 5k rows then multiple by 100 (or 200 assuming there's more overhead when there are more rows in the db). But that would be a very rough estimate.

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