How many databases in one server

  • Hi Guys,

    I have a little question.... might be silly, but which is the optimum number of databases in one server?, I know that this depends on how big each one grow up....but more on that...which is common ???3, 4??..or just because what I said..??

  • WOW!!!! What a loaded question. 🙂 There are tons of variables that always play a role in this decision so its truly difficult to put a number on how many databases a server can handle. I have some servers with over 60 databases and they have no problems at all and i have some servers with less that seem to run like dogs. Truly with SQL you should be able to get yourself a nice number on any machine but with all the variables from cpu speed to client connectivity to application usage...etc..also the kind of performance you are seeking. I dont think its truly possible to put a number on how many databases on a server. Remember the max number of databases that can be on a SQL Server is well over 10k(actually like 32k or something like that). My reply is of absolutely no assistance and i do apologize but had to put in my .02. 😀

    Good Luck...



  • I agree, the only (holy) answer to this question is "it depends"

    for example, if you have a mission-critical database, I recommend a dedicated databaseserver just for that database. With this option you eliminate external factors which might have impact on the performance. But this will give you extra costs, maintenance etc.

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • Define optimum? In reality the optimum number is 1 user database and the 5 (including the resource database) system databases. As soon as you add a second database you have 2 user databases competing for finite server resources.

    How many should you have on a single SQL Server depends on the activity on the databases. I've run 10-12 without issue because they were not high volume databases.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • As other's said you dont really have a formula or a standard way to calculate it,

    MS specifies the maximum SQL can handle



  • Just to add to the thread...

    It depends is the only right answer.

    My team maintains about 125 SQL Server Installations and we have anything ranging from a single DB on the server to upwards of 200 on a single server. It really depends on how the environment is used. As an example...we consolidate when we can, but you have to be careful to:

    * NOT combine systems that have differng levels of SLAs

    * NOT combine systems that have similar peak use times

    * NOT combine systems that are TempDB hogs

    * NOT combine systems that have differing levels of security needs at the Instance/OS level

    * NOT combine systems that require an application to exist on the DB server

    Etc, etc, etc...

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