How much do you earn?

  • "$100 is too much right now but when the economy is good, you can charge $100. Right now, the max you can charge is $50 an hour."

    Hey, I'd LOVE to make $5 /hour, or heck, even half that. I'm working as a DBA now for $11/hr and I'm doing hideous work. I don't do maint, admin, or even design.... I have to fix a database that was designed by a fuc... er.... "nontechnical" person who thought Access was too complicated. Lots of re-entry, lots of trying to work through bizarre table design, that kind of thing....

    I shouldn't complain though... I am just a college student with little experience, working 3 days a week, and my company is going to hire me on full time with better money when I graduate in the winter.

    But still.... to see $50/hr as the "bad times" amount you can charge...... makes a guy jealous! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm a DBA newbie- learrning on the fly. Thanks for any help.

    I'm a DBA newbie- learrning on the fly. Thanks for any help.

  • Hi Markus,


    Hey, I'd LOVE to make $5 /hour, or heck, even half that. I'm working as a DBA now for $11/hr and I'm doing hideous work. ...I shouldn't complain though...

    I was also working for ~10 EURO/hr, when I was a student. What at that time was a quite good income, turned out VERY less, when you have family to feed.

    BTW, you shouldn't sell yourself undervalued.



    Damn, hit the wrong button too early!!!

    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 06/25/2003 08:29:12 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    The further north you go, the salary drops

    Hi Clive,

    Tell me about it

    *I didn't do anything it just got complicated*

    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • a5xo3z1 -

    Yeah, I wouldn't want to feed my family on what I'm making.... My wife is the breadwinner at this point...

    as I side note, I don't think I'll be in true database work for very long... I work for a small company and I have a feeling I'm going to end up as a Jack of all Trades... Network admin, DB work, and probably all kinds of other stuff.... But this thread has been good to see what kind of salaries are available out there....

    I'm a DBA newbie- learrning on the fly. Thanks for any help.

    I'm a DBA newbie- learrning on the fly. Thanks for any help.

  • Markus


    But still.... to see $50/hr as the "bad times" amount you can charge...... makes a guy jealous! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm a DBA newbie- learrning on the fly. Thanks for any help.

    Envious would have been a better word choice than jealous. As a college student working part-time and admittedly a "DBA newbie", you don't have a justification for being jealous.

    Keep studying, building skills, and gathering experience. Sooner or later, you will arrive at that rate. When you do, you will rightly be able to say "I've earned it."

    Good luck.

    Larry Ansley

    Atlanta, GA

    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

  • Hi Larry,


    Envious would have been a better word choice than jealous. As a college student working part-time and admittedly a "DBA newbie", you don't have a justification for being jealous.

    Keep studying, building skills, and gathering experience. Sooner or later, you will arrive at that rate. When you do, you will rightly be able to say "I've earned it."

    well, referring to my initial post.

    A lot of people earn a lot of money, but only a few are that worth what they earn

    ...and vice versa!



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hey Frank,


    A lot of people earn a lot of money, but only a few are that worth what they earn

    ...and vice versa!

    You have wisdom beyond your years.


    Larry Ansley

    Atlanta, GA

    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

  • quote:

    You have wisdom beyond your years.

    definitely NOT, but open eyes.

    I see our senior management, I see what is incentive to them... and then I see myself?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Don't despair newbies!! The $$ will come, but I know that I cut my teeth on many projects that were fu...err... designed by non technical people and I learned a lot.

    Steve Jones

  • quote:

    Intersting to see salaries of places like the US and especially Australia as they are places I am considering moving to...well when I have a bit more experience!

    Clive Strong

    I work in the financial industry, recently moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Texas, still with same company. $78.5K/year which is ~ $37.17 hourly (showing my work, 78500/12=6541.67 6541/176 = 37.17) which is high for a notoriously, er, frugal industry. But...I'm not a DBA. App programmmer (c/c#/vb/SQL/asp/php) since 1989.


    at us, very deafly, a most stares

    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


    at us, very deafly, a most stares
    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


  • Ah, so they moved to Texas for the tax incentives.

    I moved down from Minnesota and it was as if I gave myself a raise. The first few paychecks were very nice.

    Of course it is still odd for me to buy beer and wine in a grocery store.

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • To clarify...


    But...I'm not a DBA. App programmmer (c/c#/vb/SQL/asp/php) since 1989.

    Not a speller either. Note that I've left the company and returned, as have many others. It seems to be one reliable way to get a significant raise, aside from the 4% per year that helps maintain the corporate order.


    Ah, so they moved to Texas for the tax incentives.

    I moved down from Minnesota and it was as if I gave myself a raise.

    About $500/mo difference.

    [font=Comic Sans MS]

    Of course it is still odd for me to buy beer and wine in a grocery store.

    In California, liquor, beer, wine are available every day 6am to 2am, but South Padre Island, Texas is the only place I've seen window signs in surf shops selling 99ยข beer bongs.


    at us, very deafly, a most stares

    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


    at us, very deafly, a most stares
    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


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