How much server overhead is used when setting the audit level?

  • Does any know how much server overhead/performance is used when changing the database instance audit level to Success, Failure, or All?

  • Done that before and did not seem to notice any direct impact on performance.The other side to this which did not work well was that the application log was full of john doe or jack succesfully or unsuccesfully getting into the DB.

    This made it hard to wade through the application log looking for genuine errors that needed action taken upon.

  • Yes, thats right. It wont really impact the performance except that your errorlog will get much fuller depending on the numner of logins.

     If you enable the C2 auditing, there will be a huge negetive performance impact though.

  • For performance there is no hit either way. 

    The MS best practice given to us by a ROSS engineer was to audit failures only. Your SQL server errorlog growth is zero to negligable then. However, as directed by auditors in the past, auditing both success and failures your SQL server errorlog can literally 'explode' depending on the number of users, type of applications and connection schemes that they use. I remember on one server we had to 'cycle' the errorlog every 12 hours !!!

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • do you have any numbers regarding this "huge negative performance impact"? has anybody actually done a case study? please give some samples. Thanks.

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