How reliable is Performance Monitor?

  • I have a client box, "ws", that I use to measure the performance characteristics (cpu usage, page file, # of connections, etc) of a new production server. According to Perfmon on "ws" the production server had a wild day -- our Gigabit NIC card was registering numbers like 120,000-290,000 bytes/sec!

    I checked the NIC out tonight(12am). Again, according to Perfmon on "ws" the production box NIC was being utilized as much as ever. (Our shop closes around 7pm so I don't believe those perfomon numbers).

    I setup Perform on the production box itself and monitored the same values that I monitored from "ws". Perfmon on the producton box showed NIC usage at about 20,000 bytes/sec --quick switch to "ws" still showed values about 130,000 bytes/sec" -- so who do I believe?



  • Are you reading Average or Last numbers? If Average, then the duration on the ws would differ, and might include periods with higher activity.

    Any chance your server has more than one NIC and you were looking at different instances?

    I don't consider 290,000 bytes/sec to be particularly wild; that's less than three tenths of one percent of the bandwidth.



  • Its a good question and another one I dont know the answer to. I guess the thing to do is formulate a plan for proving the results?


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