How SQL server fills empty spaces in data files ?

  • Hi All,

    I understand that we shouldn't shrink data files as it might cause heavy fragmentation along with log usage, high IO/CPU etc.

    In a DB in which lot of DML transaction occur, there will be empty spaces whenever deletions occur.

    Will SQL Server fill that part with data when new insertions occur ?.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Joy Smith San (10/1/2015)

    Hi All,

    I understand that we shouldn't shrink data files as it might cause heavy fragmentation along with log usage, high IO/CPU etc.

    In a DB in which lot of DML transaction occur, there will be empty spaces whenever deletions occur.

    Will SQL Server fill that part with data when new insertions occur ?.

    Thanks in advance.


    It depends entirely on the table definition, slots in pages are re used where possible


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Reindexing will seal up the holes, as well.

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  • Thanks Perry and Jeff.

    Any link to refer for understanding the process in detail ?.

    (How sql server fills the empty spaces caused by deletion). Thanks again.

  • This is basically the process behind the scenes.

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