How to add "dot" after every three digits in a number in sql 2005

  • Dear all,

    If this number " 4690573010" is the result of a sql statement: what should I do to retrieve this number in the following format:


    I mean: add a dot after every three digits?

  • Assuming that the "number" is actually a CHAR or VARCHAR and NOT numeric use the SUBSTRING function for example:



    SET @Unk = '14690573010'

    SET @Ans = SUBSTRING(@unk,1,3) + '.' + SUBSTRING(@UNK,4,3) + '.' + SUBSTRING(@Unk,7,3) +'.'

    + SUBSTRING(@Unk,10,1)

    SELECT @Ans

    Result: 146.905.730.1

    If it is actually one of the numeric types use the CAST function to convert to VARCHAR format, and then use SUBSTRING

    If you would post your T-SQL someone will be able to help you to place the conversion into your T-SQL statement

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • bitbucket (10/19/2008)

    Assuming that the "number" is actually a CHAR or VARCHAR and NOT numeric use the SUBSTRING function for example:

    No it is not a char, it is a numeric(15, 4).

  • Also your soultion is not ideal because it needs a substring function for each three digits, so if you want to convert a large number like " 46905730295547" to the required format , you will need to write a a new conversion with 5 sub string functions, and so on.

    So, I think we need another solution to get every three digits dotted in a number data.

  • I've done something very similar with a tally table, where i wasinserting avbCrLf after a certain number of characters; I'm away from my hoe PC that has the code, but you can search fro Tally table and look at some of the examples, where you'd build a string fromt eh components from 1 toTally.N where Tally.N = len of the string


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • And you must convert this to a character string. Numbers do not allow multiple periods in them.

  • obarahmeh I created a table as:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DTable](

    [Dvalue] [numeric](15, 4) NULL,

    [Comment] [varchar](50) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Entered various values and then used the following T-SQL statement to return the values

    SELECT Dvalue AS 'Original input',

    CASE Dvalue

    WHEN 0 THEN 'oops'

    ELSE REPLACE(CAST(Dvalue AS VARCHAR(25)),'.','')

    END AS 'Decimal point removed',

    ROUND(Dvalue,0,1) AS 'Truncated', ROUND(Dvalue,0) AS 'Rounded', comment

    FROM DTable

    Resulting in:

    Original input Decimal point removed Truncated Rounded Entered as:

    12345678901.0000 123456789010000 12345678901.0000 12345678901.0000 without decimal point

    12345678901.0000 123456789010000 12345678901.0000 12345678901.0000 With decimal point no fractional part

    12345678901.2345 123456789012345 12345678901.0000 12345678901.0000 with fractional part

    12345678901.9999 123456789019999 12345678901.0000 12345678902.0000 with fractional part greater than .5

    46905730295.0000 469057302950000 46905730295.0000 46905730295.0000 obarahmeh shortened value

    46905730295.5470 469057302955470 46905730295.0000 46905730296.0000 Obrahmeh modified value

    How do you want to handle the decimal point and numeirc values to the right of the decimal pont?

    By the way if the column were defined as Numeric(15,0) values entered would be equal to the rounded value displayed above.

    Entering your value of


    results in the error message

    Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • My advice is to do this type of formatting in your application, not in SQL Server.

    Although it can be done in SQL Server, application code does this task far more efficiently. Most application classes that support this formatting also respect the Windows regional and user settings for number formatting, so depending on who sees the number it may be formatted as '123.456.789,01' or '123,456,789.01'.

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • As per the requirement what i understood, here is the code: you need to manipulate it somewhat as per your convinience:

    Declare @count INT

    DECLARE @finalOutput VARCHAR(30)

    DECLARE @dotCount INT

    DECLARE @result VARCHAR(40)

    SET @dotCount = 1

    SET @finalOutput = ''

    SET @result = ''

    SET @count = 0

    WHILE @count <= LEN('123456789123')/3


    IF @count = LEN('123456789123')/3


    SET @finalOutput = SUBSTRING('123456789123',@dotCount,3)




    SET @finalOutput = SUBSTRING('123456789123',@dotCount,3) + '.'


    SET @result = @result + @finalOutput

    SET @dotCount = @dotCount + 3

    SET @count = @count + 1


    SET @result = SUBSTRING(@result, 1,LEN(@result) - 1)

    PRINT (@result)

    kshitij kumar

  • I think that the best solution is added by krayknot.

    Thanks to all...

  • EdVassie (10/20/2008)

    My advice is to do this type of formatting in your application, not in SQL Server.

    Although it can be done in SQL Server, application code does this task far more efficiently. Most application classes that support this formatting also respect the Windows regional and user settings for number formatting, so depending on who sees the number it may be formatted as '123.456.789,01' or '123,456,789.01'.

    Excellent advice. However if the OP insists, then this could be implemented as a function:

    [font="Courier New"]DECLARE @TheNumber NUMERIC (15,4), @TheNumberVarChar VARCHAR (20)

    SET @TheNumber = 4690573010

    SET @TheNumberVarChar = ''

    SELECT @TheNumberVarChar = @TheNumberVarChar +

       SUBSTRING(REPLACE(CAST(@TheNumber AS VARCHAR (20)), '.', ''), number, 3) +

       CASE WHEN LEN(SUBSTRING(REPLACE(CAST(@TheNumber AS VARCHAR (20)), '.', ''), number, 3)) = 3 THEN '.' ELSE '' END

    FROM Numbers

    WHERE number <= LEN(REPLACE(CAST(@TheNumber AS VARCHAR (20)), '.', ''))

    AND (number + 2) % 3 = 0

    SELECT @TheNumberVarChar




    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I put two records in table tblTest, column aText:



    For a set-based solution, assuming the value you want to transform is [aText], you could use something like:

    SELECT [aText] AS Original

    , CASE WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 0 THEN aText

    WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 1 THEN STUFF(atext,4,0,'.')

    WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 2 THEN STUFF(STUFF(atext,4,0,'.'),8,0,'.')

    WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 3 THEN STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(atext,4,0,'.'),8,0,'.'),12,0,'.')

    WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 4 THEN STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(atext,4,0,'.'),8,0,'.'),12,0,'.'),16,0,'.')

    WHEN convert(INT,LEN(aText)/3) = 5 THEN STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(atext,4,0,'.'),8,0,'.'),12,0,'.'),16,0,'.'),20,0,'.')

    ELSE ''

    END AS Transformed

    FROM tblTest

    Which returns:

    Original Transformed

    46905730295547 469.057.302.955.47

    4690573010 469.057.301.0

  • It is a very good solution,

    Thank you very much R. Brush


  • Depending on how big your numbers would be you could convert to [money] and then to string. For instance:

    declare @BigNumber bigint

    set @BigNumber = 12304208483483

    select replace(replace(convert(Varchar(50), cast(@BigNumber as Money), 1), ',', '.'), '.00', '')

  • By far the easiest...convert to money, format, strip decimal point:

    Print Reverse(SubString(Reverse(Convert(varchar,Convert(Money,1234567891011),1)),4,99))

    Prints 1,234,567,891,011

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