How to add feature value without prevent group data based on itemid pivot table?

  • How to add feature value without prevent group data based on itemid pivot table?

    I work on SQL server 2012

    I make pivot table based on itemId

    it work good but after add featurevalue data repeated

    and not grouping

    How to add Featurevalue without prevent repeated data on pivot table ?

    desired result
    ItemCode IPN PartnerName CustomerName Fan Refrigator temprature FeatureValue
    1 1233 Saico Michel 1 2 1 1234
    2 5433 Mbaby Michel 0 1 0 7777
    3 44333 sadeoMany Michel 1 0 1 88888
    What I have tried:

    create table #InputData
    CustomerID uniqueidentifier

    insert into #InputData values ('0ce19920-f0ca-433c-abb1-4e84d52b618b')

    create table #customers
    CustomerID uniqueidentifier,
    CustomerName nvarchar(200)

    insert into #customers

    create table #FeatureType
    FeatureId int,
    FeatureName nvarchar(200)

    insert into #FeatureType

    create table #Items
    ItemId int,
    IPN nvarchar(200),
    PartnerPart nvarchar(200),
    PartnerName nvarchar(100)
    insert into #Items

    create table #ItemFeatures
    ItemFeatureId int,
    ItemId int,
    FeatureId int,
    CustomerId uniqueidentifier,
    FeatureValue nvarchar(50)
    insert into #ItemFeatures

    DECLARE @Columns as VARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT @Columns =
    COALESCE(@Columns + ', ','') + QUOTENAME(FeatureName)
    --distinct FT.FeatureName
    (select distinct FT.FeatureName from #InputData Feat inner join #ItemFeatures ItemF
    on ItemF.CustomerId=Feat.CustomerId INNER join #FeatureType FT on ItemF.FeatureId=FT.FeatureId

    ) AS B
    ORDER BY B.FeatureName


    SET @SQLs = 'SELECT ItemCode, IPN,PartnerName,CustomerName,FeatureValue ' + @Columns + '
    select F.ItemId,F.ItemId as ItemCode,I.IPN,I.PartnerName,I.PartnerPart,c.CustomerName,t.FeatureName,F.FeatureValue from #InputData Itm
    inner join #ItemFeatures F on F.CustomerId=Itm.CustomerId
    inner join #Items I on I.ItemID=F.ItemId
    inner join #FeatureType T on T.FeatureId=F.FeatureId
    inner join #customers c on c.CustomerID=F.CustomerID
    ) as PivotData
    FOR FeatureName IN (' + @Columns + ')
    ) AS PivotResult
    ORDER BY CustomerName'

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Looks like you are missing a comma after the FeatureValue column.

    SET @sqls = 'SELECT ItemCode, IPN,PartnerName,CustomerName,FeatureValue, ' + @Columns + '

    Try that and see if it works.



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