How to add group name in grand total?

  • Customer Product Sales TotalUnits

    2 123 $10 30

    2 245 $12 30

    2 964 $14 30

    2 $36 30 -- Avg of Total units per customer

    8 456 $30 50

    8 789 $40 50

    8 $70 50

    GrandTotal $106 38

    I need to average the total units field in grand total. When I just use average it gives me 38 (30+30+30+50+50/5).

    But I need to calculate it as 40 (30+50/2).

    I have grouping on Customer, so if I use

    Avg(Fields!UnitsShipped.Value,”GrouponCustomer”) in grand total it is giving me error.

  • What is the error you are getting?

  • It is not giving me any error. It is just not displaying the average like I want. In the grand total it shows the average for Total Units column as 38 (30+30+30+50+50/5).

    But I need to calculate it as 40 (30+50/2).

    I just used Avg(TotalUnits).

  • The AVG function works exactly as you described which is a bit annoying to say the least. Typically, if you want the real average you have to write the expression yourself. Try something like:


    in the grand total and you should get what you are looking for.

    Good luck, Steve

  • Hi Steve,

    This still gives me the same value i.e. 38. It does the same way like average function do i.e. (30+30+30+50+50/5).

    I need it to calculate 40 (30+50/2).

  • Sorry, I read this too quickly the first time. I think this is what you are trying to accomplish:

  • Thank you, I think this will help me.

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