How to average a date column?

  • Ok so I currently have a report that is grouped by Job#. I basically want to add a field and have it locate the earliest "Sch Start" date in this group for each Machine. I thought about doing an average but can't since this isn't a numerical field. Any ideas how this could be accoplished? I can do this in CR but I'm fairly new to SSRS.

    Job # XXXXX (Group)

    Part#01 Machine#03 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#02 Machine#02 Sch Start 11/20/10

    Part#03 Machine#04 Sch Start 11/28/10

    Part#04 Machine#01 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#05 Machine#01 Sch Start 11/21/10

    Part#06 Machine#04 Sch Start 11/27/10

    Part#07 Machine#02 Sch Start 11/27/10

    Part#08 Machine#02 Sch Start 11/27/10

    Part#09 Machine#04 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#10 Machine#05 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#11 Machine#04 Sch Start 11/22/10

    Part#12 Machine#03 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#13 Machine#05 Sch Start 11/23/10

    Part#14 Machine#02 Sch Start 11/25/10

    Part#15 Machine#01 Sch Start 11/26/10

  • rather than the AVG, i think you want the MIN([Sch Start]) for the earliest, or the MAX(([Sch Start]) for the latest date.


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  • Hm, the only solutions I'd have for you with this puzzle would be in T-SQL code, not at the reporting layer.

    If you really wanted a date average, you could take datediffs from 1/1/1900 in days (or hours, minutes, whatever you were looking for) and then dateadd the avg(datediff()) to 1/1/1900 to find the average.

    For what you're looking for though, I agree with Lowell above, a SELECT MIN(), MAX() from tbl group by MachineName would be the best bet here.

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  • Averaging a date column is a fairly unusual thing to want to do, but if you really want to do this, it is achievable by first converting the datetime to a float, taking the average, then converting back to a datetime, e.g.

    SELECT CONVERT(datetime, AVG(CONVERT(float, MyDateColumn)))

    FROM MyTable

    GROUP BY ...

  • Thanks guys, the MIN function is working great! Now I'm having a little trouble if I only want it to show the MIN date for a specific machine. This is probably really simple but as I said, new to SSRS but learning quick!

  • I got it to work out. Just had my IIF expression formatted wrong. Thanks again all!

  • can you reply with your iff condition?

  • komal145 (9/29/2016)

    can you reply with your iff condition?

    This is a 6 year old topic you've just "necro'd", it's unlikely that they're going to still have it now.

    You'd be better off creating your own topic, with your question specifying for your own needs, and someone will be able to help 🙂


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hmm, I would rather do this in the SQL code ...

    I scrapped up the following >>

    with cte as


    select cast('20140701' as date) as cteDate

    Union all

    select dateadd(d, 1,c.cteDate)

    from cte as c

    where c.cteDate <'20140731'


    ,nextCte as


    select top 1


    min(cteDate) Over (Partition by NULL) as minDate,

    max(cteDate) Over (Partition by NULL) as maxDate

    from cte





    datediff(d, minDate, maxDate) as numDaysBetween,

    dateadd(d, datediff(d, minDate, maxDate)/2,minDate) as averageDate

    from nextCte

    If gives me the average day of 7/16 for the month of July. You may need to do some tweaking for when the number of days between divided by two is not a whole number (like employ datetime instead of date). See if this gets you going.


  • Evil Kraig F (11/2/2010)

    Hm, the only solutions I'd have for you with this puzzle would be in T-SQL code, not at the reporting layer.

    If you really wanted a date average, you could take datediffs from 1/1/1900 in days (or hours, minutes, whatever you were looking for) and then dateadd the avg(datediff()) to 1/1/1900 to find the average.

    For what you're looking for though, I agree with Lowell above, a SELECT MIN(), MAX() from tbl group by MachineName would be the best bet here.

    DATETIME hasn't been crippled like the new DATE and DATETIME(2) datatypes. If you wanted an "average date", the easiest way would be to convert it to a FLOAT, take the average of the float, and then convert that answer back to a datetime.

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  • Sorry... I wasn't paying attention. This is a 6 year old thread and andrewd.smith did previously post code for the "Average Date" problem.

    --Jeff Moden

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