How to Avoid message "The command(s) completed successfully."

  • Hi,

    Could anyone tell me how we can avoid the message

    "The command(s) completed successfully." in SQL query analyser.  I tried checking the option "Discard results" in query Analyser. But it discards the result of queries also.

    I need to suppress server message since one of my SQL Script expects either NULL value or some valid value from the server. Therefore when the server message comes, the program gives error as the returned value is not proper.

    I know that We can suppress the count property by setting the NOcount to on. But can we also suppress the message "The command(s) completed successfully." in a similar way ?




  • The command "The command(s) completed successfully" is being generated from Query Analyzer and not from SQL Server. I'm not sure what issue you are having but if you type in the same command from osql, you won't get any simillar text. Hope this helps.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your kind help. I was trying to find out the reason for the wrong result my program was fetching & somebody told me that this could be the reason.

    Thank you once again.

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