How to Backup a log shipping destination database

  • Currently we have several servers that log ship the T-logs for several DB's using a custom code solution to a central server. The log shipping destination server is in another datacentre in another country to the source servers.

    We use this destination to source data for our development environments which are in the same country and data centre as the destination log shipped server.

    The problem is we want to periodically refresh our development environments with a copy of the full databases by taking a full backup of the db's on the destination log shipped servers and using these backups to restore the dev servers. Instead of copying the full backups accross the WAN.

    From what I can find this is not possible without bringing the log shipped destination db online with an undo file, taking the full backup, then reverting back. The problem is the log shipped destination db's need to always be online so any outage is not acceptable.

    Does anyone know of a way or even a 3rd party product (Redgate \ \Litespeed etc) which can take a full backup of a log shipped destination db whilst it is still online?

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • certainly the native tools cannot do it and I would be surprised if third party tools can as the database is not in a correct state to be backed up.


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