How to backup DTS packages..

  • I have a server migration which needs movement of all the databases, logins, and DTS packages frm the server1 to server2.


    All the databases present on server1 will be on server2.


    Please suggest me how to move all the SQL Agent jobs and DTS packages..


    Please also through some light on Generate Sctipts..

  • You can script all SLQ Server Agrnt jobs by right clicking on EM->Management->SQL Server Agent->Jobs and select All Tasks->Generate SQL Script... and select the options you want

    As for DTS Packages you can choose "save as" in each package and:

    1) Replace the old server name with the new server name and click ok which will save the DTS package at the new server

    2) Save package as "Structured Storage File" to local drive. Move files to new server. Open each file through "Data Transformation Services"->Open Package

  • Another suggestion for moving DTS packages:

    DTSBackup 2000 is a free tool at  It will copy multiple packages so you don't have to open each one and save them individually.



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