How to change the Database intial Size

  • Hi All,

    I have a database called sampledata. This database was created 6 month before only..

    There is no much more transactions per day. This database occupied huge space..

    The db size is 19GB..

    I had checked the backup strategy.. Everyday Fullbackup is going on..

    and also i checked the database intital size.. The Initial size is 13417 MB(Nearly 13.10 GB)

    My Question is.. Is it possible to change the database intial size?

    If its possible then anyother drawbacks is there..

    Because this database is located at production box

    If there is no drawbacks at all.. can you pls post the query/Method..

    How to change it?


    can you pls reply me the drawbacks.. So that only i can tell to our client

    Thanks & Regards


  • The initial size is the current size of the database files.

    You can try to shrink it to recover any free space (Task -> Shrink -> Files).

    Taking a backup does not reduce the size of the DB (only the size of the log in Full recovery), if the DB is too big you'll have to check if you can remove unnecessary records or do some archiving.

  • you cant reduce your database less than the data it consuming physically now which you can check by sp_spaceused.

    because its friday so....alternate answer of your question is :-

    you cant sqeeze your stomach less than the food you filled or less than the default size provided by GOD(model)


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