How to change the owner of a User-defined data TYpe in SQL 2000

  • Hi,

    I have 6 User-Defined Data Types in a database that I have restored and I need to change the owner.

    I found but this involves changing the data type for the columns that use the UDT's, dropping them and then changing the columns back to use that UDT once they have been recreated.

    Is there any way that I can just change the owner without dropping them?

    Thanks in advance.


  • edited after poutting foot in mouth:

    i had thought just like you that the stored procedure sp_changeobjectowner should do what you want;

    but the article you mentioned states if it's in use you gotta re-create it...sorry.

    this won't work, just for other objects:

    sp_changeobjectowner [ @objname = ] 'object' , [ @newowner = ] 'owner'

    so wouldn't you just use

    exec changeobjectowner 'myUDFDatatype','dbo'

    or maybe

    exec changeobjectowner 'existing_owner.myUDFDatatype','dbo'


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  • Yeah I changed all the objects that had the incorrect owner using sp_changeobjectowner but these were left. Tried your suggestions but to no avail.

    Looks like I will have to drop and recreate - not a simple procedure as when I tried to alter the data type for the columns I found out that there are other dependencies so have to deal with them first - could be a fun exercise!!!


  • You cannot alter a UDT if it is used by objects.


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