How to check db is OLAP or OLTP?

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to find out database is OLAP or OLTP. By the way I am using SQL 2005 server. Thanks

  • duplicate post.

    if SQL Server hosts it, it's OLTP. if Analysis Server hosts it, it's OLAP.


  • Thanks for the help. Further to that, how can I find out which server (SQL or Analysis) one is hosted my server. This may sound silly (any friendly DBA can help me locally, but it is not the case here for me), but if you can please give little bit of more information, it is much apprecaited. Thanks

  • I'm guessing it's how you would access using Management Studio. When you start MSand you are required to enter you credentials and which server you wish to connect to there is an option for 'Server Type'. The default option is database engine, but other options include Analysis Services. If you use the Analysis Services as a Server type then it's OLAP, if you use the 'Database Engine' then its OLTP.

    If I'm wrong in this assumption please let me know...:D

  • Take a look at the services running on the server. Analysis Services, the OLAP engine, is completely different than SQL Server. That will till you which you have. However, you might have both. So, if it's a pure OLAP database, you can't open it from Management Studio using the Server Type of "Database Engine." Instead you have to use "Analysis services."

    It's possible though, maybe, you're confusing terminology? Do you simply mean is it possible to differentiate between an OLTP database and a reporting database? Because the thing is, OLAP is completely different than Relational and when we're talkiing about OLTP, we're talking Relational. However, we're also talking Relational when we talk about star schema's, data warehouses, datamarts, etc.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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