How to check if the database itself is encrypted or only the backups ?

  • Hi All,

    I queried sys.databases in one of the sql server and found "is_encrypted" is "1" for four of the databases.

    Does that mean that all those 4 DBs are encrypted ?

    How to check if the database itself is encrypted or only the backups ?

    Note :- I can see backups of key in a particular folder.

    Thanks in advance.


  • SQL 2008 doesn't have the ability to encrypt only backups, that was added in SQL 2014. is_encrypted in sys.databases indicates whether Transparent Database Encryption is enabled for the database

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Joy Smith San (7/9/2015)

    Hi All,

    I queried sys.databases in one of the sql server and found "is_encrypted" is "1" for four of the databases.

    Does that mean that all those 4 DBs are encrypted ?

    How to check if the database itself is encrypted or only the backups ?

    Note :- I can see backups of key in a particular folder.

    Thanks in advance.


    The column you are referring to indicates whether TDE has been enabled, I'm assuming the backups you have found are Certificate backups which were used to enable TDE, can you provide more detail on these at all


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks Gila and Perry.

    So since SQL 2008 doesn't have option to encrypt only DB its both the DB and Backups are encrypted I assume.

    I can see following files saved in a folder.






    I am not clear when will we need to use all these 🙂 .

    Thanks again.


  • Joy Smith San (7/9/2015)

    So since SQL 2008 doesn't have option to encrypt only DB its both the DB and Backups are encrypted I assume.

    I said 2008 doesn't have the ability to encrypt only the *backups*

    The database will be encrypted and, as a result the backups will as well.

    I can see following files saved in a folder.






    I am not clear when will we need to use all these 🙂 .

    You use them to restore the certificate to other servers as, without that certificate, you *cannot* restore or attach the encrypted database to any other server.

    You may want to test out your restore process, and make sure that those certificate backups are in a safe place, as you do not want to have to tell business that, because you didn't, you cannot restore the database backup in a disaster.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for the clarification Gila.

    I may try to restore the DBs in Test server. Thanks.

  • You may want to do some reading on TDE first.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Joy Smith San (7/9/2015)

    Thanks Gila and Perry.

    you're welcome

    Joy Smith San (7/9/2015)

    I can see following files saved in a folder.






    Note: you do not need the database master key backup when restoring the database to a new server, just a restorable backup of the certificate.

    What you have above is only part of the equation, do you have the passwords recorded that were used to encrypt the certificates private key when the backups were taken. A certificate backup is initiated using the following TSQL. So question is do you have the password recorded that was provided to the ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD clause?


    FILE = 'E:\Bak\MSSQL12.INST1\MSSQL\Backup\MyNewCert.cer'


    FILE = 'E:\Bak\MSSQL12.INST1\MSSQL\Backup\MyNewCert.pky',

    ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'P@sswordt0encryptcertbackup')

    Joy Smith San (7/9/2015)

    I am not clear when will we need to use all these 🙂 .

    Thanks again.


    You're going to need them if you ever restore the database to another server or if the certificate is ever lost from the current server.

    IMPORTANT: If you do not have the password(s) recorded, take a fresh backup of the certificate(s) and record the password(s) securely. Remove any old cert backups as they'll be useless

    Read my article at this link for more info on TDE[/url]


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry,

    I was able to create certificate and restore DB in my local PC as password is available.

    Below are certificate backup created by some earlier DBA, but named wrongly.




    master_key.dat = is the ".pky" with password.

    tdeCert = ".cert" bkp and the other one no idea.

    I was able to create certificate from these backup with password in test and restored DB.

    Below files are actual certificate backups handed over by user long ago.



    Since you said older backups are useless, I just executed below command in my test machine, with another old password.

    create certificate tdeCertLocal

    from file = 'D:\tdeCert.bak'

    with private key (file='D:\pvtkey.bak', decryption by password = 'oldpwd')

    It dint give any error, only "Warning: The certificate you created is expired."

    If we are restoring in same server, we don't need any password as such is it and it will be like a normal DB restore is it ?.

    Thanks a lot for the link.

  • Joy Smith San (7/13/2015)

    Since you said older backups are useless

    They'll be useless if you don't have passwords to restore them and take new backups is what I said 😉

    Joy Smith San (7/13/2015)

    It dint give any error, only "Warning: The certificate you created is expired."

    What's the state of the current certificate has that expired. It looks as though an old expired cert has been replaced by a new one, but you'll need to confirm

    Joy Smith San (7/13/2015)

    If we are restoring in same server, we don't need any password as such is it and it will be like a normal DB restore is it ?.

    Thanks a lot for the link.

    not sure what you mean here


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • What's the state of the current certificate has that expired. It looks as though an old expired cert has been replaced by a new one, but you'll need to confirm

    Expiry_date column in source server is of 2014 and when I created certificate in the destination server it took the same date for expiry and hence the message I believe.

    As per] , expiration is not enforced when the certificate is used for encryption. DB got restored when I tried and hope its not an issue for restoring.

    Joy Smith San (7/13/2015)

    If we are restoring in same server, we don't need any password as such is it and it will be like a normal DB restore is it ?.

    not sure what you mean here

    Was just asking if we need to do anything with the certificate if we are restoring the database in the same instance where it was encrypted.

  • Joy Smith San (7/15/2015)

    As per] , expiration is not enforced when the certificate is used for encryption.

    Yes, that is correct an expired cert will not hinder the backup restore process.

    Joy Smith San (7/15/2015)

    Was just asking if we need to do anything with the certificate if we are restoring the database in the same instance where it was encrypted.

    No, since the cert will already exist in the master database there's nothing to do


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Took a fresh backup and documented.

    Thanks a lot Perry/Gila for clarifying all the doubts.

    Learned something new, thanks for your support.

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