How to copy a certain database table and move the copy to a different database

  • Hello I am a software developer with minimal SQL server administration skills. Currently I am using SQL Server 2000.

    I need to know if there is a way to copy a particular table from a database, and to copy the table into a different database.

    Basically on a project I am working on we are using a table named "Customers" from a database named QTR. We need to copy this database table into a different database named "Research".


    How can this be done? Is if very complicated?

  • This sound starightforward just go to destination database right click and select import database ,

    and just follow the instructions be careful your from and to boxex are accurate before hitting run.

    if it is on a different server then make sure you are at destination as well.



  • William,

    Lydia is referring to the Import/Export Wizard and it is fairly easy to use.  I recommend you choose 'Copy objects and data between SQL Server databases' because it gives you the option of copying indexes, triggers, and foreign key constraints.  You won't have that choice with either of the other two options.



  • Another alternate is to use SELECT fieldList INTO newTable FROM existingTable to avoid the headache in creating a new table.

  • Hi, I want to copy production database to a testing server. The production database is too big. Is there a way that we can shrink down the db size (taking a year data for example) when we copy it to the testing server?

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