How to create a Data Dictionary in SQL

  • I want to create a Data Dictionary in SQL Server 2000(concept taken from Oracle, but with a little variation) and in that I want to capture all the table names, DB name , last updated on , last updated (by) Login, Rows before update , Rows after update.

    This I want to build for one server, and later I want to expand this to all the SQL Servers.

    How can I do this (without creating triggers on all the tables) in SQL ?

  • As far as I know SQL server does not track table updates so you would need to use triggers to do that.

    You can get table name info from sysobjects where xtype='U' and columns from syscolumns.

    try sp_help

    You can do:

    >sp_helptext sp_help

    to learn how this is done.

    The following procedure will give you table size and number of rows. Its a bit more complex than you need as I use dynamic SQL to run it from a non-master database:

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SpaceUsed


    @DatabaseName sysname = NULL,

    @NumRows int=9999 -- Nubmer of rows to return




    This is a tailored version of sp_spaceused

    Lists space used by all tables in descending order of size

    Plus one summary row at start showing space used by all tables




    -- Declare holding variable for dynamic query

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @DBName sysname

    SELECT @DBName = ISNULL(@DatabaseName, DB_NAME()) -- This is not much use now as current is always DataDict

    -- Verify that the supplied database exists

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

    WHERE Name = @DBName)


    RAISERROR(15010,1,1,@DBname) WITH SETERROR

    RETURN 15010


    SELECT @cmd='USE ' + @DBName + char(13) + char(10)

    -- Build it (and they will come...)

    SELECT @cmd = @cmd +


    SELECT TOP ' + convert(varchar,@NumRows) +'

    ''Table'' =object_name(,

    ''Reserved KB'' = convert(bigint, sum(CASE WHEN S.indid IN (0,1,255) THEN S.reserved ELSE 0.0 END) * min(D.low) / 1024),

    ''Data KB'' = convert(bigint,sum(CASE WHEN S.indid IN (0,1) THEN dpages WHEN S.indid=255 THEN isnull(S.used,0.0) ELSE 0.0 END) * min(D.low) / 1024),

    ''Index KB'' = convert(bigint,sum(CASE WHEN S.indid IN (0,1) THEN isnull(S.used,0.0) - S.dpages ELSE 0.0 END) * min(D.low) / 1024),

    ''Unused KB'' = convert(bigint,sum(CASE WHEN S.indid IN (0,1,255) THEN S.reserved - S.used ELSE 0.0 END) * min(D.low) / 1024),

    ''Rows'' = sum(CASE WHEN S.indid IN (0,1) THEN S.rowcnt ELSE 0 END)

    FROM sysindexes S, master.dbo.spt_values D

    WHERE D.number = 1 AND D.type = ''E'' AND S.Reserved > 0

    GROUP BY object_name( WITH ROLLUP

    ORDER BY 2 desc'

    -- We've built it, time to execute

    EXEC (@cmd)

    -- Hopefully, this is zero



  • Thanks. So I have to create triggers on all tables if I want to capture when and how it was last updated and what login was used to update the table. Is there a way to create triggers on all the tables of a DB.?



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