How to Create Dump file in SQL Server 2000

  • Hi,

    I have used MS SQL server 2000. I need the procedure to create a dmp file. (that contains both query script and data script):)

  • You make use of the sql_dump stored procedure using the following syntax. Type it in your Query Window after connecting to the 'master' database.

    exec sql_dump '-d (databasename) [-t (tablename)] [-f (outputfilename)] [-a] [-s]'

    -d (databasename) : The database whose backup is to be taken

    -t (tablename) : This option is to be used if you need to take the structure or data belonging to a particular table only. [Optional - If omitted then all the tables are involved in the dump process]

    -f (outputfilenamewithpath) : This option is to be used if you need to specify the path and name of file to which dump is to be written. [Optional - If omitted then the dump is stored at the Backup folder found in the installation directory of MS SQL Server, with database name as the filename.]

    -s : Dumps the database Schema also.

    -a : Dumps the data found inside the database also.

  • I've not seen any stored procedure "sql_dump" on my SQL Servers.

    What are you trying to achieve? Is a backup not sufficient or are you trying to somehow add stuff from one database to another?

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