How to create dynamic function

  • Finally i got the answer

    -- [USP_TEST] '2,3,4,17','Validated_Data','Validated_Data','BPO','222'

    alter proc [USP_TEST]


    @StateId nvarchar(100),

    @h nvarchar(100),

    @E nvarchar(100),

    @d nvarchar(100),

    @id nvarchar(10)




    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    declare @sql1 nvarchar(1000)

    declare @sql2 nvarchar(4000)

    declare @dbs table(dbname sysname)

    -- drop function dbo.fn_tot_alldbs

    set @sql ='

    create function [dbo].[UFN_GET_STATEWISE_CUSTOMER_COUNT_'+@id+'](

    @StateId1 int,

    @h nvarchar(100),

    @d nvarchar(100)


    returns int


    --auto generated function code


    declare @intCount int

    select @intcount=isnull(Count(*),0)

    from '+@d+'..'+@h+' c

    inner join '+@d+'..Dealer d on d.Dealer_ID=c.RefDealerID

    inner join '+@d+'..State s on s.StateID=d.Ref_State_ID

    where c.IsInactive=0 and c.IsReturn=0 and c.status=0 and StateID = (@StateId1)

    return @intcount


    exec sp_executesql @sql

    set @sql2='select distinct s.Statedesc,s.StateID ,CustCount=dbo.[UFN_GET_STATEWISE_CUSTOMER_COUNT_'+@id+'] (s.StateID,+'''+@h+''','''+@d+''')

    from '+@d+'..'+@E + ' c

    inner join '+@d+'..Dealer d on d.Dealer_ID=c.RefDealerID

    inner join '+@d+'..State s on s.StateID=d.Ref_State_ID

    where StateID in ('+(@StateId)+')'

    print @sql

    exec sp_executesql @sql2

    print @sql2

    set @sql1='drop function [UFN_GET_STATEWISE_CUSTOMER_COUNT_'+@id+']'

    exec (@sql1)


  • :w00t: yikes! Are you just writing this code and are done with the project, or do you also have to support the system after it is in production? Rethink, redesign!

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • what problems will i face if i follow this method

  • can any one help me out to choose with method will be suitable for multiple databases.

    1. Dynamic sp


    2.clr functions.

  • poornipmca (4/27/2012)

    can any one help me out to choose with method will be suitable for multiple databases.

    1. Dynamic sp


    2.clr functions.

    You really need to rethink your design. You are going to have more problems with it as you grow.

  • can u help me by telling what type of problems i may face by choosing any of this method

    CLR functions

    dynamic functions

  • poornipmca (4/28/2012)

    can u help me by telling what type of problems i may face by choosing any of this method

    CLR functions

    dynamic functions

    Every customer gets their own set of tables in a database, correct?

    When the number of customers hits a predefined level, you create a new database and start adding new customers there.

    You want a single set of procedures and functions that can access any database/set of tables. This design is going to be very difficult to maintain and enhance over time and really needs to be rethought, and redesigned.

  • yes.

    But wat type of design u suggest.

    can u suggest me wat problems i may face if i use this method

  • poornipmca (4/28/2012)


    But wat type of design u suggest.

    We already gave you options

    - move to a multi-tenant database and have the application pass in the correct "customer id" to the database as needed based on the logged in customer

    or - have the application change database context and call the correct objects based on the customer

    i.e. give up trying to turn your database server into an application server and handle that responsibility in the application layer

    can u suggest me wat problems i may face if i use this method

    - difficult to implement initially

    - difficult to maintain (most of your software dev costs)

    - difficult to test and debug (related to precious two items)

    - poor performance due to many possible reasons

    - cache bloat

    - wasteful use of CPU compiling objects for all requests

    - having DDL in code creates security and concurrency concerns

    Those are just a few high-level areas of concern, I am sure we could come up with more, from what you have described and the code you have shown.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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