how to deploy a report in sps

  • HI ALL


  • This is exactly what i was going to ask. Any please answer. Thanks

  • At last i got this. If u had installed both the reporting services and the share point portal on the same machine create a subarea named reportserver in sharepoint portal home page. Thats it. when u click it it will directly go to the reportserver and display the reports for u. Any doubts! give me a msg.


    enjoy this .




  • What do I need to do to get RS installed on an machine with SPS installed?

  • Hi,

    This is my documentation to configure reporting services and sps in the same m/c.. I worked on this one long back and now i didnt have any touch with sps. if u follow the steps in this documentation u can configure both rs and sps in the same m/c. 


    To configure a server running share point portal server, sql server , analysis services and reporting services 

    Software Requirements:

    1. windows 2003 server enterprise edition.

    1.1. Configure application server (enable both front page extensions and ) to install IIS.

    1.2. Install smtp server

    1.3. Configure DNS  giving appropriate IP address.

    2. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition with Analysis Services (if reqd) and service packs for both SQL server and Analysis services.

    3. Visual Studio .net Enterprise Architecture

    4. Share Point Portal Server

                Install share point portal server with out desktop engine  if u r using sql server on the same machine.

                while configuring share point portal server it will ask to remove front page server extensions at the time of creating a portal. remove the front page server extensions and then restart the machine and after that create a portal site.

    5. Reporting services

               While installing reporting services it will check the system and gives a warning message that share point is also installed in the system and we need to manually configure reporting services.

                leave it and go for the next tab.

                Specify a domain/user account where ever asked.

                unckeck the ssl certification if u dont have any and check direct to                     default website.

                  Then continue installing.

    After installation

    1. go to IIS

    right click on reports-----> properties----------->configuration ----------->extensions------------->edit

    and then uncheck if  "Verify that the file exists" is checked.

    and then click OK

    close IIS.

    2. open E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\webconfig file.

    2.1. in <http Modules>

    include the third line also.

     <add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/>

    and   change the below line as follows

    pages enableSessionState="true" enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="false" />

    3. In cmd prompt go to 

    E:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\BIN


    stsadm -o addpath -url http://localhost/reportserver -type exclusion


    stsadm -o addpath -url http://localhost/reports -type exclusion

    4. in cmd prompt go to

    E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer



    rsactivate -c "rsreportserver.config"

    Then restart the machine

    ur configuration is complete now.



  • Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!! I was beginning to give up hope.

    BTW in the step

    1. go to IIS

    right click on reports-----> properties----------->configuration ----------->extensions------------->edit

    and then uncheck if  "Verify that the file exists" is checked.

    and then click OK

    close IIS.

    Do I need to pick out any particular extension - not sure what the purpose of this might be.


    Thanks again

  • I think u can just ignore that step. I just applied it to all the files. Let me know if u have more doubts.. and plz let me know after configuring it.


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