how to display multiple records in 1 column seperated by (,)?

  • i have table which show data like

    Position Name

    A John

    A adam

    A eddie

    B scott

    B james

    and i want to display like this

    Position name

    A John , Adam, Eddie

    B scott, james


  • --// Please try the below script


    CREATE TABLE tYourTableName


    Position CHAR(1),

    Name VARCHAR(30)


    INSERT INTO tYourTableName VALUES('A','John')

    INSERT INTO tYourTableName VALUES('A','adam')

    INSERT INTO tYourTableName VALUES('A','eddie')

    INSERT INTO tYourTableName VALUES('B','scott')

    INSERT INTO tYourTableName VALUES('B','james')

    DECLARE @tPosition AS TABLE



    Position CHAR(1)


    DECLARE @tPositionName AS TABLE


    Position CHAR(1),

    Name VARCHAR(100)


    DECLARE @SqlStr VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @Position CHAR(1)



    SET @SqlStr = ''

    INSERT INTO @tPosition(Position) SELECT DISTINCT Position FROM tYourTableName


    SET @Counter = 1

    WHILE(@Counter <= @Count)


    SELECT @Position = Position

    FROM @tPosition

    WHERE Id = @Counter

    SET @SqlStr = NULL

    SELECT @SqlStr = ISNULL(@SqlStr + ', ', '') + COALESCE(Name, @SqlStr)

    FROM tYourTableName

    WHERE Position = @Position

    INSERT INTO @tPositionName(Position, Name)

    SELECT @Position, @SqlStr

    SET @Counter = @Counter + 1


    SELECT Position, Name FROM @tPositionName

    DROP TABLE tYourTableName


    One ounce of practice is more important than tonnes of dreams

  • Thanks ...yes thats how i want ..thanks a lot

  • I'd have to really, really really disagree with this as a method for solving the OP's issue.

    First, it's Dynamic SQL which can cause security and performance issues down the road.

    Second, you only declared @StrSQL as a varchar(100) great for the current issue, but what happens when he needs to group a few more names?

    Third, it uses iteration which is slow and won't scale.

    Fourth, this is in a SSRS forum, there are better ways to do this in reporting services. Using proper grouping and the Join function will make this easy.

    IF you really need to do this in TSQL I'd suggest you look at the PIVOT function in BOL additionally, have a look at the following article by Jeff Moden, Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns[/url]. He covers a variety of ways to make this set based and efficient in that article series.


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  • Dear Luke,

    Thank you for your comment. When I saw makham01’s question, the only thing came into my mind is “COALESCE”. So I tried to get the result over it. If I did not submit the solution, I will not come to know what the problems with the code which you mentioned are. So next time when I write the code I do try to care that also, even makham01 also can do some modifications or try other logic what you have suggested. Thanks Luke.


    Shaiju CK

    One ounce of practice is more important than tonnes of dreams

  • I agree with Luke that Shaiju CK's implementation isn't that good. However, a PIVOT won't work unless there are the same # of names.

    So, here's a working solution:

    DECLARE @tYourTableName TABLE (

    Position CHAR(1),

    Name VARCHAR(30)


    INSERT INTO @tYourTableName


    SELECT 'A','adam' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A','eddie' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B','scott' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B','james' ;



    Name = stuff((SELECT ', ' + Name

    FROM @tYourTableName t2

    WHERE t2.Position = t1.Position

    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','varchar(max)')


    FROM @tYourTableName t1;

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Hi Wayne,

    I have learned something new today. Thank you very much 🙂


    Shaiju CK

    One ounce of practice is more important than tonnes of dreams

  • Glad to be of assistance! 😀

    Seriously, I do like Luke's suggestion of using grouping and the JOIN function within SSRS. The solution I posted might reduce network traffic and server load. So, test to see which will work best for you.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Thanks Wayne,

    Both the solutions are working , but the XML path solution best fit my situations.

    Thanks once again.



  • Hi

    Use join in the report expressions.If u want to do in report side



    Thanks & Regards,
    Ignore this if you feel i am Wrong. 😉

  • Hi veeren4urs, can you give examples of join on report side ?

  • A couple of people mentioned using Join to solve the problem on the GUI side but I'd be curious to know how to implement it. I had this problem a while back and came up with the following solution. It works but if someone has a simpler and more elegant solution, please share.

    (1) Add this to your report code section:

    Private curString As String = String.Empty

    Private retString As String = String.Empty

    Private curBreakString As String = String.Empty

    Public Function ConcatString(nextString As String, breakString As String) As String

    If breakString <> curBreakString Then

    curBreakString = breakString

    retString = String.Empty

    curString = String.Empty

    End If

    If curString <> nextString Then

    curString = nextString

    If retString = String.Empty Then

    retString = nextString


    retString = retString & ", " & nextString

    End If

    End If

    Return retString

    End Function

    (2) Create a DataSet with the following as Query (borrowed from WayneS's test code above):

    DECLARE @tYourTableName TABLE (

    Position CHAR(1),

    Name VARCHAR(30)


    INSERT INTO @tYourTableName


    SELECT 'A','adam' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A','eddie' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B','scott' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'B','james' ;

    SELECT Position, Name FROM @tYourTableName

    (3) Create a tablix with two columns and bind it to your DataSet. In "Row Groups" you might see a group already created called "Details" if you have SSRS2008. Modify it so that it group by Position and rename it "PositionGrouping". If you don't see "Details", just create a new grouping and set parameters as above. Just make sure you only have one grouping.

    (4) Make sure the first column of your tablix show the Position. In the second column, enter the following expression: =RunningValue(Code.ConcatString(Fields!Name.Value, Fields!Position.Value), Last, "PositionGrouping")

    I have a working *.rdl if anyone is interested.

  • Vince and all, I'd never used Join to concatenate the results from a dataset before, just kinda assumed it would work based on how it works to join the strings of a multivalue parameter. After playing around with it and some googling, it looks like Vince's solution is the way to go if you want to keep it in the GUI. Apparently, when you group a dataset it doesn't return an array as I imagined that it would so there's no way to feed the join() function without custom code.

    Thanks for the code vince.


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  • I hope that one day SSRS would come with a string aggregation feature where the SUM() function would work on strings as well as numeric values. The result would be a comma-delimited string containing the component string values. If any of you have used Hyperion, you would know how easy it was to do this. SSRS is much better with the presentation aspect but I kinda miss Hyperion's powerful pivot features.

  • If you feel that strongly about it, search the connect site and see if it has already been requested, if not request it and see if other people feel it's valuable as well. It seems to me though that what you are asking about is string concatenation and not addition (what the sum function does).

    I personally think the join function should be implemented so that it can take a column and dataset name (and grouping level), or as part of the runningvalue aggregate functions, but alas it's not so.


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