How to do a find and replace within SSIS?

  • I have an Excel file which I'd like to do a find and replace in.

    I want to replace double quotation with a null in an excel workbook (for the entire workbook) via the SSIS package. Does anyone know any handy ways to do this?

    Eg where there is a " i want a blank space.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance! 😀

  • 1) The easiest way would be to take the file as a source and use a Derived Column to Find and Replace and then insert them into a new file.. Rename it and delete your old file, If required

    2) Use Script Task to open a file, read each column and then do a Replace..

    I would go with 1, but it really depends on Number of records in the file ans also believe that Method 1 would be faster.. Not sure though

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