How to dynamically qualify the database name in a query

  • When we access a different database from a stored procedure or trigger, we need to qualify the table name with the database name. For example, to access database TestDB I would do the following :

       Update TestDB..Orders set amount = @amount where ordernum = @ordernum

    I've used dynamic Sql to generate certain select and update commands; however, I can't figure out how to dynamically include the database qualifier.

    For example, in my proc I have this code to build an Update cmd:

      if isNull(@pSqlTable, '') <> ''

         SET @SqlStr = 'Update ' + @pSqlTable + ' SET ' + @pSqlSet

      if isNull(@pSqlWhere, '') <> ''

         SET @SqlStr = @SqlStr + ' WHERE ' + @pSqlWhere

      EXEC sp_executeSql @SqlStr


     I've tried something like this to soft-code the database but it doesn't work (I forget the error):

     SET @pDBName = 'TestDB'

     SET @SqlStr = 'Update ' + @pDBName + '..' + @pSqlTable + ' SET ' + @pSqlSet

    CAn anyone give me some advice on this ?

    Thank you,


  • If the owner is 'dbo', your statement should work otherwise include (replace .. with .<>.) the schema name

  • If you need to assign a variable to the database name you might just as well hardcode it avoid using dynamic sql.

    select * from pubs.dbo.testrs


    declare @string varchar(250),@db varchar(25)

    set @db='pubs'

    set @string= 'select * from '+@db+'.dbo.testRS'



    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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