How to end a looped package cleanly

  • I've created a DTS package which does some simple data transformations, writes 2 .csv files then joins them.

    I need one file per record and they need to be in a specific order, so I've looped the package so that it loops after setting a flag on the existing record.

    The query that initiates it is:


    FROM TR.dbo.SOP10100 SOP10100 INNER JOIN TR.dbo.RM00101 RM00101 ON SOP10100.CUSTNMBR = RM00101.CUSTNMBR


    This give me one unprocessed record which I output to a variable which drives the rest of the process

    It all works fine except that I want it to stop here when there are no more records that meet the criteria.

    I've tried IF EXISTS, but because I use the MIN function, I get a NULL record and IF EXISTS doesn't trigger.  So I wrote a little Activex task with examines the record and returns failure if the record is null.

    Function Main()

     Dim Doc

     Doc = DTSGlobalVariables("Document").Value

     If Doc <> "" then Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success Else Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

    End Function

    This works except that the task returns as failed so that I can use a on failure branch, but I really just want to terminate the package if the criteria is met.

    Is there any way to just terminate the package successfully without it erroring?



  • Did a little further diggin on this site and and came up with a solution:


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim Doc

     Dim LoopCheck


     Set LoopCheck = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1")

     Doc = DTSGlobalVariables("Document").Value


     If Doc <> "" then

      LoopCheck.DisableStep= False


      LoopCheck.DisableStep= True

     End if

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


    End Function

    Since Disabling the step stops the on completion workflow precedent the loop stops cleanly.



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