How to extract multiple rows in a single query

  • I have two tables.

    1 Employee table contians Employee_id and Employee_name

    2.EmpSalary contains Employee_id and SalaryMonth

    Please see the data representation in these tables.



    Employee_id Employee_Name


    1 Niladri Saha

    2 Pallab Roy



    Employee_id SalaryMonth


    1 January

    1 February

    1 March

    1 April

    2 January

    2 February

    I want output like the following

    Employee Id Employee Name Salary Month


    1 Niladri Saha January, February,March, April

    2 Pallab Roy January, February

    I can acheive the above results by wrtiing a cursor but I want to achieve the above by writing a select statement. Is it possible?

    Please provide me solution only related to SQL Server.


  • You can write a function that gets all the salary months for you and combine them.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Uh... what happens when you have more than 1 year?  In other words, why are you storing the salary month and not a salary date/time so you can do multiple different calcs?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I "think" he has one table for each year...


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • can ya not use a CASE statement???

    _________________________________________________________________________________SQLGeordieWeb:- Jarrin ConsultancyBlog:- @SQLGeordie

    if  exists (select name from sys.databases where name = N'narraSoft_DB')
    	drop database narraSoft_DB
    create database narraSoft_DB
    use narraSoft_DB
    create table Employee
    	employee_id int identity(1,1) constraint employee_pk primary key clustered,
    	employee_name nvarchar(200)
    --	dummy data
    insert into Employee(employee_name)
    	values	('Niladri Saha')
    insert into Employee(employee_name)
    	values	('Pallab Roy')
    select * from Employee
    create table Employee_Salary
    	employee_id int not null,
    	salary_month varchar(20) not null, -- is supposed to be a string?
    	constraint employee_salary_employee_pk foreign key(employee_id) references Employee(employee_id),
    --	dummy data
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(1,'January')
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(1,'February')
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(1,'March')
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(1,'April')
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(2,'January')
    insert into Employee_Salary(employee_id,salary_month)
    	values	(2,'February')
    select * from Employee_Salary
    select	emp.employee_id
    	, emp.employee_name
    	, ISNULL((select *
    			from (
    				select	cast(salary_month as varchar(max)) + ',' as [text()]
    				from	Employee_Salary es
    				where	es.employee_id=emp.employee_id
    			for xml path('')
    		),',') as 'salary_month'
    from	Employee emp
    use master
    try this on your query analyzer, mate.. 
    this uses the XML Path to concatenate the Employee_Salary table
    while retrieving the records of the Employee table
    the only prob with this is the trailing comma(,)..
    but the client app may remove that for us, instead in the server..
    if there is any question, comment or any suggestion from you mates,
    just email me and they are
    surely be appreciated.. 
  • FOR XML PATH is available in SQL Server 2000?


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Heh... not according to BOL which states (no sign of PATH anywhere)...

    Basic Syntax of the FOR XML Clause

    The basic syntax for specifying the XML mode in the FOR clause is:



    XML mode

    Specifies the XML mode. XML mode determines the shape of the resulting XML.

    mode can be RAW, AUTO, or EXPLICIT.


    Specifies that an XML-Data schema should be returned. The schema is prepended to the document as an inline schema.


    If the ELEMENTS option is specified, the columns are returned as subelements. Otherwise, they are mapped to XML attributes. This option is supported in AUTO mode only.


    If the BINARY Base64 option is specified, any binary data returned by the query is represented in base64-encoded format. To retrieve binary data using RAW and EXPLICIT mode, this option must be specified. In AUTO mode, binary data is returned as a reference by default.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hi,

    Still I den't get any solution from this forum but still thx for your time tospend for this query. Find the solution below. 

    create function dbo.getSalaryMonth(@Empid int) returns varchar(1000)



        declare @a varchar(1000)

        select @a = coalesce(@a, '') + ', ' +  coalesce(SalaryMonth, '')

          from dbo.EmpSalary

          where [employee_id] = @Empid

        return substring(@a, 3, 1000)



    SELECT employee_id,employee_Name, dbo.getSalaryMonth(employee_id) as [Salary Month]

    FROM dbo.Employee

  • Hi,

    Still I den't get any solution from this forum but still thx for your time tospend for this query. Find the solution below. 

    create function dbo.getSalaryMonth(@Empid int) returns varchar(1000)



        declare @a varchar(1000)

        select @a = coalesce(@a, '') + ', ' +  coalesce(SalaryMonth, '')

          from dbo.EmpSalary

          where [employee_id] = @Empid

        return substring(@a, 3, 1000)



    SELECT employee_id,employee_Name, dbo.getSalaryMonth(employee_id) as [Salary Month]

    FROM dbo.Employee

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