How to find DB size in Sql 2008/2005

  • Please please some one help me find out the following columns on database level-

    Database name,database size, logfile size,allocated space (without log), allocated space (with log),

    Free space in MB, Free space in GB, percent used.

    If you can provide the script or the site that has this kind of information to pull the data I would be thankfull. Please help me!

  • Get Server Database File Information

  • Querying sys.database_files will also give you some of that info.

    seth delconte

  • Thank you so much for the reply. I need to print allocated space (w log) and allocated space (w/o log) If you have some scripts or the site please provide me as soon as possible. Thanks so much in advance!

  • Allocated as in used space in files?

    sp_spaceused for data. DBCC SQLPERF(LogSpace) for the log.

    Why is this urgent?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • This should do it for you, I take no credit for it, it is mainly someone elses code (whose I cannot recall) that has been slightly amended.

    The DBPcnt column is percent of allocated space is unused.

    The space allocated and used for the database data files and log files are denoted by DBType -- should really be renamed to FileType.. but w-t-h.

    -- Gathers the data and log space info for all databases on the system

    -- NOTE: This version is for SQL 2005 as it uses sys.sysdatabases

    -- instead of master.dbo.sysdatabases (SQL 2000)

    set nocount on;

    declare @err int, @daydiff smallint, @lastRun datetime, @RunNo int;

    SET @err = 0;


    Create the temp tables to hold the results of DBCC

    commands until the information is entered into



    CREATE TABLE #logspace (

    [DBID] int,

    DBName varchar( 100),

    LogSize float,

    PrcntUsed float,

    status int


    CREATE TABLE #dataspace

    ( FileID int,

    FileGrp int,

    TotExt int,

    UsdExt int,

    LFileNm varchar( 100),

    PFileNm varchar( 100)


    CREATE TABLE #dbSpaceDist

    ( ServerName varchar(30),

    [dbid] int,

    DBName varchar( 40),

    DBLogicalName varchar(40),

    DBLocation varchar(100),

    DBTotal numeric( 10, 2),

    DBUsed numeric( 10, 2),

    DBPrcnt numeric( 10, 2),

    DBGrwth int,

    DBMaxSize int,

    DBType char( 5),

    EntryDate datetime


    --- Get the log space

    INSERT INTO #logspace(DBName, LogSize, PrcntUsed, [Status])

    EXEC ('dbcc sqlperf(logspace)');

    -- select * from #logspace -- for testing

    --- Get the dbid into the temporary tables to prevent failure by using reserved characters in db name

    UPDATE ls

    SET ls.[dbid] = s.DBID

    FROM #logspace ls

    INNER JOIN sys.sysdatabases s ON;

    --- Get the dbid into the temporary tables to prevent failure by using reserved characters in db name

    INSERT INTO #dbSpaceDist



    [dbname], sys.[name], sys.[filename],logsize,

    (logsize * (PrcntUsed/100)),

    (1 - ( PrcntUsed/ 100))*100,



    'Log', getdate()

    FROM #logspace ls LEFT JOIN master.dbo.sysaltfiles sys

    ON DB_ID(ls.[DBName]) = sys.[dbid] AND sys.fileid = 2


    Get the data space

    Use a while construct to loop through the results from DBCC

    since you have to run this command from each database

    with a USE command.


    --@db becomes dbid instead of db name

    declare @db int, @cmd char( 500)

    SET @db = 0

    while exists (select [dbid] from #logspace where [dbid] > @db)


    select @db = min([dbid]) from #logspace where [dbid] > @db;

    dbcc updateusage(@db) with no_infomsgs;

    select @cmd = 'use [' + DB_NAME(@db) + '] dbcc showfilestats';

    insert #dataspace

    exec( @cmd);

    insert #dbSpaceDist

    select @@SERVERNAME,





    ((cast( TotExt as numeric( 10, 2))* 32) / 512),

    ((cast( UsdExt as numeric( 10, 2))* 32) / 512),

    cast( UsdExt*100/TotExt as numeric( 10, 2)),





    from #dataspace d LEFT JOIN master.dbo.sysaltfiles sys

    ON d.LFileNm = sys.[name] AND sys.fileid = 1

    WHERE sys.dbid = @db;

    delete #dataspace;


    -- Display result

    select ServerName, DBLocation, DBTotal, DBUsed, DBPrcnt,

    [DBName], DBType, EntryDate, DBGrwth, DBMaxSize, DBLogicalName

    from #dbSpaceDist;

    --- Drop the temporary tables

    drop table #logspace;

    drop table #dataspace;

    drop table #dbSpaceDist;

  • Here's a similar one I've used for a few years. Note that I have not updated this code since I was just figuring SQL out, so it can definitely be improved..but it works for me at the moment.

    create table #db (

    dbid INT,

    name NVARCHAR(100),

    owner nvarchar(150),

    recovery NVARCHAR(50),

    status NVARCHAR(50),

    total_size int,

    log_size numeric(9,0),

    log_used nvarchar(10),

    log_reuse nvarchar(60),

    collation nvarchar(128),

    auto_shrink nvarchar(3),

    publisher nvarchar(3),

    subscriber nvarchar(3),


    create table #logspace (

    name nvarchar(150),

    logsize numeric(9,2),

    logused numeric(9,0),

    status int


    insert into #logspace

    exec('dbcc sqlperf(logspace)')

    declare @name nvarchar(100)

    declare @sql nvarchar(max)

    declare getstuff cursor for

    select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    open getstuff

    fetch next from getstuff into @name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @sql = '

    INSERT INTO #db (












    SELECT database_id







    ,cast(is_auto_shrink_on as nvarchar)

    ,cast(is_published as nvarchar)

    ,cast(is_subscribed as nvarchar)

    FROM master.sys.databases

    WHERE name = '''+@name+'''



    select @sql = '


    SET [total_size] = (select sum(size)/128 from ['+@name+'].dbo.sysfiles)

    WHERE NAME = '''+@name+''''


    select @sql = '


    SET [log_size] = (select logsize from #logspace where name = '''+@name+''')

    WHERE NAME = '''+@name+''''


    select @sql = '


    SET [log_used] = (select cast(logused as nvarchar) + ''%'' from #logspace where name = '''+@name+''')

    WHERE NAME = '''+@name+''''


    fetch next from getstuff into @name


    close getstuff

    deallocate getstuff

    select [DBID]





    ,[TOTAL_SIZE] as [Total Size (MB)]

    ,[LOG_SIZE] as [Log Size (MB)]

    ,[LOG_USED] as [% of Log Used]

    ,[LOG_REUSE] as [Log Reuse Wait]


    ,case when [AUTO_SHRINK] = 1 THEN 'YES' else 'no' end as [Auto-Shrink]

    ,case when [PUBLISHER] = 1 THEN 'YES' else 'no' end as [Publisher?]

    FROM #db

    WHERE name not in ('master','msdb')


    SELECT 'All: '+cast(sum(TOTAL_SIZE)/1024 as nvarchar) + ' GB' as [Total] from #db


    SELECT 'Logs: '+cast(sum(cast(LOG_SIZE as int))/1024 as nvarchar) + ' GB' as [Total] from #db


    drop table #db

    drop table #logspace

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