How to find out total number of immediate children of a parent in HierarchyID

  • Hi Friends,

    I am facing a situation where I need to find out what exactly number of children a parent have in Hierarchy ID.

    any help in this regard is very much appreciated.


  • Please provide DDL of the tables involved, some sample data and expected results

    If you don't know how to do this, check the link in my signature

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • OKay, I have columns name "Description" Charactor type and "SiteMapNode" of HierarchyID type. what I do is that i want to insert a new node (Description) and and its respective parent name (Description) , i Check if this if this (Parent) Description matches any of the descriptions in the data. if it exsists then i need to know total number of children of the parent..

    And this is the problem, I can't find out total children of the parent of the existing node that is about to be inserted.

    e.g :

    New Node (Description) : Emplyee

    Parent Node (Description) : Manager

    Total Children (Employee) of Manager = ??? need to be found !

  • Please provide us the create table and its sample data along with the sample reultset. Someone would definitely able to help you better in that case.

  • here is the Structure of the Table

    Description Node(HierarchyID) StringPath

    Manager 0x /

    Dev Manager 0x58 /1/

    QA Manager 0x68 /2/

    Employee1 0x6AC0 /2/1/

    Employee2 0x6B40 /2/2/

    I want to insert Employee3 under QA manager, so i need to verify whether QA manager is its parent, if it is then how manay ohter children his parent have. i need the count. Remeber, i m doing all these through an SP.

    I hope this is more explainatory 🙂



  • Look at the heirarchy data type - If you use that can, I seem to remember you can get that info very quickly

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  • Celestial (7/19/2012)

    here is the Structure of the Table

    Description Node(HierarchyID) StringPath

    Manager 0x /

    Dev Manager 0x58 /1/

    QA Manager 0x68 /2/

    Employee1 0x6AC0 /2/1/

    Employee2 0x6B40 /2/2/

    I want to insert Employee3 under QA manager, so i need to verify whether QA manager is its parent, if it is then how manay ohter children his parent have. i need the count. Remeber, i m doing all these through an SP.

    I hope this is more explainatory 🙂



    No that is not what anybody was asking for. If you had read the article you would have figured out we want ddl, sample data and desired output in a consumable format.

    Here is an example of what your ddl might look like along with some sample data.

    create table #SomeTable


    Manager varchar(25),

    Node hierarchyid,

    StringPath varchar(10)


    insert #SomeTable

    select 'Manager', 0x, '/' union all

    select 'Dev Manager', 0x58, '/1/' union all

    select 'QA Manager', 0x68, '/2/' union all

    select 'Employee1', 0x6AC0, '/2/1/' union all

    select 'Employee2', 0x6B40, '/2/2/'

    OK so now you want to find the number of children for any given node. Notice that with the ddl and data already defined this becomes a lot less work for the volunteers around here to work on your problem instead of working on setting up your problem.

    Something like this should work to get the desired results as I understand them.

    declare @NodeToFind hierarchyid

    select @NodeToFind = Node from #SomeTable where Manager = 'QA Manager'

    select COUNT(*) - 1 as NumChildren --we use -1 because the IsDescendantOf will always return true for itself

    from #SomeTable

    where Node.IsDescendantOf(@NodeToFind) = 1

    drop table #SomeTable


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  • Thank you very much Sean,

    This is what i was asking for but, i couldn't explain my point. the only problem is that I want the Immediate Parent of the node to be inserted.

    if the @NodeToFind is not itself, but rather one from its ancestors then i m not going to insert Node under this one.

    declare @NodeToFind hierarchyid

    declare @count int

    select @NodeToFind = Node from #SomeTable where Manager = 'Manager'

    select @count=COUNT(*) - 1 --as NumChildren --we use -1 because the IsDescendantOf will always return true for itself

    from #SomeTable

    where Node.IsDescendantOf(@NodeToFind) = 1

    print @count

    insert into #SomeTable (Manager,Node,StringPath)

    select 'Employee3', '/',CAST(@NodeToFind as varchar)+ cast((@count+1) as varchar) +'/'

    update #SomeTable set Node = StringPath

    where manager = 'Employee3'

    in the above code i am trying to insert a node, as "Manager" is not the Immediate parent of the "Employee3",so i don't want to insert this node under "Manager". but the problem is that how would i know whether "Manager" is its Immediate parent or not ?? how should i put this constraint on it ??

    Please Help me on this.

  • I don't quite get what you are doing but doing inserts into a hierarchy like this is pretty straight forward.


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  • With HierarchyID datatype, you can use the GetAncestor() method to find all rows that have a given ancestor at a given level.

    If, for example, you want to find all rows that have a particular boss as their immediate answer-to (it's their boss, not their boss's boss, and so on), then you use GetAncestor(1), which goes up one level. The documentation on it even has an example for finding everyone who has a specific boss. If you want to get the quantity, just build it as a Count(*) query with GetAncestor(1) in the Where clause.

    You can find documentation on all the HierarchyID datatype methods here:

    They're very useful, and usually quite fast, even on large tables with complex hierarchies.

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  • Thank you all, especially Sean & GSquared, your answers really helped me solving my problem.

    Thanks Again 🙂

  • You are welcome. Glad you were able to figure out a solution.


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  • Celestial (7/24/2012)

    Thank you all, especially Sean & GSquared, your answers really helped me solving my problem.

    Thanks Again 🙂

    Just to ask the questions to make sure you're really all set...

    1. How many nodes do you have in your hierarchy?

    2. How often does the hierarchy change?

    3. Do you need a count of the sub-tree of nodes reporting to a node for every node in the tree?

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