How to get different time between every row and previous row

  • i work on sql server i can't calculate created date time from every row and previous based on created date

    my structure table as below :


    ID	ErrorMessage	Line	OperationName	Comment	CreationDate	difftime
    176797 Success 4044 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4044 2021-11-19 08:20:21.350 0
    176798 Success 4046 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4046 2021-11-19 08:21:46.000 0
    176799 Success 4047 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4047 2021-11-19 08:21:58.350 0
    176800 Success 4049 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4049 2021-11-19 08:22:14.807 0
    176801 Success 4050 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4050 2021-11-19 08:22:22.767 0
    176802 Success 4052 Trade Code Generation Job ProductID: 4052 2021-11-19 08:22:31.300 0

    my data sample as below :


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog](
    [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ErrorMessage] [varchar](1000) NULL,
    [Line] [int] NULL,
    [OperationName] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Comment] [varchar](200) NULL,
    [CreationDate] [datetime] NULL,
    [ID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ON

    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176797, N'Success', 4044, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4044', CAST(0x0000ADE500896D45 AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176798, N'Success', 4046, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4046', CAST(0x0000ADE50089D078 AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176799, N'Success', 4047, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4047', CAST(0x0000ADE50089DEF1 AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176800, N'Success', 4049, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4049', CAST(0x0000ADE50089F23A AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176801, N'Success', 4050, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4050', CAST(0x0000ADE50089FB8E AS DateTime))
    INSERT [dbo].[TradeCodesErrorLog] ([ID], [ErrorMessage], [Line], [OperationName], [Comment], [CreationDate]) VALUES (176802, N'Success', 4052, N'Trade Code Generation Job', N'ProductID: 4052', CAST(0x0000ADE5008A058E AS DateTime))

    so diff time for first row as ID 176797 will be 0

    diff time for second row as 176798 will be

    2021-11-19 08:21:46.000

    subtract or minus

    2021-11-19 08:20:21.350 and result will assign to diff time to 176798

    diff time for third row as 176799 will be

    2021-11-19 08:21:58.350

    subtract or minus

    2021-11-19 08:21:46.000 and result will assign to diff time to 176799

    so how to make select query display different time by minute for table tradecodeerrorlog

  • You have not provided the format that you need the time difference in, so I am providing it as [time].

    However, this will not cater for values greater than 24 hours.

    select *
    , TimeDeiff = CAST(DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, LAG(CreationDate, 1, CreationDate) OVER (ORDER BY ID), CreationDate), 0) AS time(3))
    from dbo.TradeCodesErrorLog;
  • ok it working

    remaining one thing

    data display as


    exactly I need to display as


    so how to do that

  • The display that you are seeing is the format of the time data type.  You should not be formatting the data in SQL - That is the job of the presentation layer.

    If you insist on doing the formatting in SQL, you can start by looking at the following functions



  • i try with following

    select *

    , TimeDeiff = cast(right('00:',CAST(DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, LAG(CreationDate, 1, CreationDate) OVER (ORDER BY ID), CreationDate), 0) AS time(3))) as varchar(30))

    from dbo.TradeCodesErrorLog;

    it give me error

    Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Operand type clash: time is incompatible with int

  • Your use of the RIGHT function is incorrect.

    Here are 3 different ways to achieve the format you are looking for


    TimeDeiff = SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(12), DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, LAG(CreationDate, 1, CreationDate) OVER (ORDER BY ID), CreationDate), 0), 114), 4, 9)

    Using RIGHT

    TimeDeiff = RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(12), DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, LAG(CreationDate, 1, CreationDate) OVER (ORDER BY ID), CreationDate), 0), 114), 9)

    Using STUFF

    STUFF(CONVERT(varchar(12), DATEADD(ms, DATEDIFF(ms, LAG(CreationDate, 1, CreationDate) OVER (ORDER BY ID), CreationDate), 0), 114), 1, 3, '')


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