How to get running totals?

  • What I’m looking for is running total on Quantity for each product. So that I can find difference between onhand and quantity. I copied the sample code, so that it is easy to understand.

    CREATE TABLE #Final (Product int, RDate smalldatetime, Quantity int, OnHand int)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/02/15',35,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',31,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/01',23,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2011/12/26',104,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/02/10',27,26)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/01/26',54,26)



    FROM #Final

    DROP TABLE #Final

  • Thanks for posting DDL and data samples, only one thing is missing:

    expected results. What exactly do you want to see based on your setup

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  • Product RDate Quantity OnHand RunningTotal

    1011 2/15/2012 0:00 35 56 35

    1011 1/11/2012 0:00 31 56 66

    1011 1/1/2012 0:00 23 56 89

    1011 12/26/2011 0:00 104 56 193

    2134 2/10/2012 0:00 27 26 27

    2134 1/26/2012 0:00 54 26 81

    This is how i want to see. Can we do that without using cursor?

  • Well done!

    --1. you need some thing to uniquely identify each record and enforce the order

    -- in which running total can be calculatedm based on your example, the

    -- order can not be done by RDate therefore I've introduced RowNo per Product

    -- into your setup (you may get away with having IDENTITY for this):

    CREATE TABLE #Final (Product int, RDate smalldatetime, Quantity int, OnHand int, RowNo INT)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/02/15',35,56,1)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',31,56,2)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/01',23,56,3)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2011/12/26',104,56,4)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/02/10',27,26,1)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/01/26',54,26,2)

    -- we need a column for RunningTotal

    ALTER TABLE #Final ADD RunningTotal INT

    -- we need unique clustered index to inforce update order

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_#Final ON #Final (Product ASC, RowNo ASC)

    -- Now a running total business

    -- 1. we nit vars to track the product change and calc running total

    DECLARE @RunningTotal INT, @Product INT

    -- 2. running total update:


    SET @RunningTotal = CASE WHEN @Product IS NULL OR Product != @Product

    THEN Quantity

    ELSE @RunningTotal + Quantity


    ,RunningTotal = @RunningTotal

    ,@Product = Product



    select * from #Final

    Now, the most important part: read this in order to understand why and how the above is working:

    It was quite a time since I've read it myself, therefore you may find some other suggestions of how to improve the above.

    It is "MUST READ" article for your issue

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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • I have used a different way, it runs fine but it displays same vale if the date is same for two rows. Below is the example. Please see row 2 and 3. So how can i create rownumber separate for this?

    CREATE TABLE #Final (Product int, RDate smalldatetime, Quantity int, OnHand int)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/02/15',35,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',31,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',4,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/01',23,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2011/12/26',104,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/02/10',27,26)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/01/26',54,26)



    (SELECT SUM(Quantity)FROM #Final F1 WHERE F1.Product = F.Product and F.RDate <= F1.Rdate)

    FROM #Final F

    ORDER BY 1,2 desc

    DROP TABLE #Final

  • What your solution does is create a triangular join, which will not scale well in a real world situation with more records than your sample. The article Eugene posted the URL to is a very good reference written by a highly regarded person (Jeff Moden won a DBA of the year award last year)

    Since it looks like you're already using a temp table for this, adding the clustered index and using the special form of the UPDATE statement would be the best option.

  • Shree-903371 (3/7/2012)

    I have used a different way, it runs fine but it displays same vale if the date is same for two rows. Below is the example. Please see row 2 and 3. So how can i create rownumber separate for this?

    CREATE TABLE #Final (Product int, RDate smalldatetime, Quantity int, OnHand int)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/02/15',35,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',31,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/11',4,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2012/01/01',23,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (1011,'2011/12/26',104,56)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/02/10',27,26)

    INSERT INTO #Final Values (2134,'2012/01/26',54,26)



    (SELECT SUM(Quantity)FROM #Final F1 WHERE F1.Product = F.Product and F.RDate <= F1.Rdate)

    FROM #Final F

    ORDER BY 1,2 desc

    DROP TABLE #Final

    To create a ROW_NUMBER per product:


    FROM #Final


    1. There is still a problem of ORDER? Your dates don't appear to be in Ascending order. So, ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) is used, which can not guarantee proper order.

    2. Your method is much-much slower than "quirky update" why would you want to use it? Have you read an article?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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